Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Okonkw’s Insecurity

There are a lot of factors in a person’s life that contribute to their feeling of insecurity. Certain events might cause that, mostly it tends to be childhood events. Men usually try to hide their insecure feelings by making sure they appear strong and masculine while deep down they could be very weak. A person feeling insecure is normal but insecurity taking over a person might result in his downfall. That’s what happened to Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart.Okonkwo’s obsession with what others think of him started from an early age, which would drive him to be insecure. Okonkwo’s father is the reason for Okonkwo’s insecurity. His dad being viewed as a nothing would make Okonkwo wants to be viewed as everything his father wasn’t. Okonkwo’s first priority is to maintain his masculinity in front of people, which would lead him to success at first. But, later on he would be so afraid to look weak, that he breaks a lot of tribal rules just to keep his image intact.Okonkwo starts breaking the rules by beating his youngest wife Ojiugo during the week of peace because she left the hut without cooking dinner. He later one does another fatal error that would start leading to his fall down, he kills the boy which called him father although the clan’s leader and the authorities told him not to. Okonkwo loved Ikemfuna but he still killed him because he resembles any feelings with femininity and for him any sign of femininity is being weak. Feeling weak inside, Okonkwo would do actions to make people feel down.Insecure people insult others because they think that, by making someone else down; it will make them feel better about themselves. That's exactly what Okonkwo does when he tells Sugo – a man without titles- â€Å"This meeting is for men,† who implies that he is not a man, but actually a woman, who is a weak creature in Okonkwo's view. The reason why Okonkwo specifically attacked Sugo by implying that h e is a woman is because insecure people attack the things they are most afraid of.Another reason why he constantly criticizes people is because, deep down, he feels inferior. This particularly shows when his wife, Ekwefi, says â€Å"guns that never shot†. He immediately translates that as a critique of his masculinity. As a result, he starts beating her, thinking that this will prove his masculinity, while it totally shows the opposite. It actually makes him seem weaker. Okonkwo hides all his emotions under a mask because he associates any form of emotion, such as compassion and love, to being feminine.Okonkwo tries to hide his emotions from his daughter Ezinma. Although she is his favorite child, he refuses to show her any kind of emotion, supposedly, to maintain his masculinity. Another example of how Okonkwo tries to hide how he feels is when he kills his â€Å"son† Ikemefuna. Upon killing him, Okonkwo feels too much pain inside of him that he thinks of himself as a â€Å"woman†. However, afraid of being viewed as weak, he keeps trying to hide his feelings. Instead, his body responds and starts to weaken without him noticing it.


In Maya Angelou’s excerpt, â€Å"What’s So Funny? † she pointed out that vulgarity and crudeness happens to be the direction in which comedians, entertainers, and people take their jokes. She explains that behind the obscene profanities, are people who are just as vulgar as their jokes. By us laughing with them, we are not only stooping down to their level, we are also taking part in the humiliation. I agree with Maya Angelou’s point. For example, laughing when someone makes a joke towards someone else who suffers from obesity not only humiliates that person, but makes them feel disgusted with themselves.The person laughing is applauding the comedian. What’s the humor in that? There’s a difference between being funny and being disrespectful. A lot of us tend to be confused as to where to draw the line. While others simply like to cross it. It’s almost like a form of bullying, but not a lot of us see it like that. Ms. Angelou believes t hat there are other ways to make jokes and start conversation without having to stoop low and belittle someone. Our generation has grown to become more shallow and vain through the years.When entertainers, comedians, and people use vulgarity and crudeness to express their thoughts and use it in their jokes to make an audience laugh, it paves a path for the audience to chime in and think that it is okay to behave that way. Perhaps the person making the joke is hiding behind the shallowness in order to prevent exposing their own insecurities? Maybe they’re using obscenities and humiliation as a self-defense mechanism. I never even thought about the bigger picture until now. Ms.Angelou is right. Nothing should stop us from saying â€Å"that’s wrong. † We don’t have to laugh at someone else’s mean joke just because it’s meant to be funny. Maybe the cold shoulder to a rude joke would be the bigger reaction. Either way one as an individual needs t o realize when someone has crossed the line. I feel that Maya Angelou’s â€Å"What’s so funny? † has definitely opened up my eyes and made look at things from different perspective because I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t one of those audience members.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Control charts

Control Charts Control Charts are use to distinguishes between specializes or common-cause of variation that Is present In a process. There are two basic types of control charts:- Variables Quantitative data (Measured) Attributes Qualitative data (Counted) Variable Control Charts Use actual measurements for charting Types:- Average & Range charts Median & Range charts Average & Standard deviation charts Individual & Moving Range charts Run Charts Attribute Control Charts use pass/fall or go/no-go Judgment Type improvement.To determine the process capability. For decisions In regard to product specifications. For current decisions in regard to recently produced items. Average & Range charts (0 and R) Guidelines for subgroup sizes (n):- As n increases the CLC become closer to central line. 2. As n increases the inspection cost per subgroup increases. 3. Distributions for averages of subgroups are nearly normal for n = 4 4. If n = 10 use the s -chart instead of R-chart . N = 5 commonly being used in industry 6.The percentage of product that falls within any pair of values may be predicted with the highest degree of assurance. It permits the consumer to use the producer's data The operator is performing satisfactorily from a quality viewpoint. PROCESS IN CONTROL (Natural pattern of variation) About 34% of the plotted points in an imaginary band between one standard deviation on both sides of the central line About 13. 5% of the plotted points in an imaginary band About 2. 5% of the plotted points in an imaginary band

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Empire for Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

An Empire for Slavery - Essay Example So it becomes clear that though slavery was very profitable to those who owned slaves, such as cotton farmers, the overall effect was not only incredibly detrimental to the African-American population taken as slaves but also to the overall economy. As far as actual figures, it can be said that a single slave working in a cotton field would yield roughly $1,000 in crops per year. This is a sizable figure for that time period. Because slavery was so widespread and acceptable in Texas, many seeking wealth and profit relocated to Texas where slavery was expanding and growing conditions were optimal. The soil and weather conditions in Texas made the growing of crops a very profitable business. Other states were slowly doing away with slavery as Texas continued to capitalize on slavery. These states were invaded by federal troops that sought to free slaves. By the year 1860, nearly a quarter of a million slaves were working on Texas plantations. It was not until the year 1865 that the Texas slaves were freed. Due to the horrible conditions that most slaves had to endure, the overhead for bondsmen was low compared to the profit that it yielded. One would assume that the inhumane act of owning slaves would ultimately prove to be exceedingly profitable and in addition prop up an economy; however, this proved to be untrue as the state of Texas ultimately suffered for its hunger for money and bondsmen as its overall effect was one of delayed industrial development. Certainly, when the federal troops were commissioned to free Texas slaves at last, Texan plantation owners were then forced to come by their profits honestly through paid labor instead of forced slavery. An alternative would be for the once slave holders to farm their land themselves which was unthinkable to most. The sudden need for laborers would give individuals who did not own a plantation an opportunity for employment since slavery was no longer legal. The presence of slave labor really took hundreds of thousands of possible j obs away from the working people that hired themselves out as laborers. This too, is part of why slavery was so harmful to the Texas economy overall. Another important aspect of Campbell's look at slavery in Texas is how the legal system supported slavery. Obviously, there would have been no slavery in Texas if the legal system of the time did not work as somewhat of an accessory to taking and keeping slaves. Originally in the Texas revolution, Texan colonists fought fiercely for the right to hold slaves as Mexican law forbade it. It is common belief that slavery prospered in Texas and also in the South as a result of the revolution and ultimate separation of Texas from Mexico. It was the slaveholders of the time that possessed the wealth in Texas and this ultimately meant that slaveholders were in fact the individuals with positions in public office. The slaveholders were the politicians so they were the ones ensuring laws in favor of slavery. Laws did exist that prohibited masters from mistreating their slaves; however, it is important to understand that these laws were a gray area in that there was no clear definition of the master-slave relationship. Also, if the individuals with the money ( the slaveholders) were the ones making the laws, it is safe to say that these "masters" were not looking out for the best interests of slaves.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bank regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Bank regulation - Essay Example Banks are big players in the financial sector of governments in the world. Because of that, banks affect the countries economically and hence their operations must be monitored. Some banks are very large that they are considered, â€Å"too big to fail† (Andrew, 2010). That means that such banks would cause a lot of economic problems if they were to go down. Such banks are very sensitive to their country’s economy as it is partially dependent on them. In the instance the banks crumble, it takes the government to provide funds to bail them out. If the government were to fail to do so there would be a financial crisis in the country. Bank regulation was put in place to achieve some aims. The aims and objectives vary from country to country but there are those that stand out and are common in many countries. Some of the aims are systemic risk reduction, protecting bank confidentiality, increasing credit allocation to deserving clients and to decrease fraud in banks. Systemi c risk reduction ensures that the financial system of a country does not fail completely due to irregular trading conditions of banks (Alexander, 2006, p.184). Protecting bank confidentiality ensures that the information that a bank is entitled to rightfully withhold from the public is not leaked. Credit allocation ensures that the right and deserving entities can access loans from the banks. Decreasing fraud ensures that banks are not used to perform financial malpractices like money laundering. Bank regulation occurs by applying certain principles that vary from country to country. Some principles are however common in most of the countries. The general principles of bank regulation therefore include supervisory review, market discipline and minimum requirements. Supervisory review involves licensing and monitoring of banks. For banks to operate they need to be licensed and this is done by the financial regulator. The Bank regulators after licensing banks monitor them to ensure they

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How valid is this assessment of the july plot of 1944 The plotters Essay

How valid is this assessment of the july plot of 1944 The plotters were not courageous men whose purpose was honourable but reckless men who acted out of their own self interest - Essay Example Gisevius (1998) describes the situation in Germany, under Nazi control in that period, as a nation whose leaders felt â€Å"only in terms of violence.† He further explains: How easily naked violence is spread & practiced! We can observe this even more in the sub-leaders than in Hitler†¦ Party leaders and sub-leaders found themselves in positions of power beyond their wildest dreams†¦ They had no professional training. They knew nothing about the law. They did not trust the professional officialdom who worked under them. They simply dictated, in the firm conviction that their subjects would obey†¦ First, they conquered power. By means of power they achieved totality. Soon they tasted the pleasures of arbitrary rule. And then, swiftly, they plunged into excess†¦ (pp 101 & 102). Thus began the savage rule which was to become a canker sore in the mouth of not only Europe, but the entire world for years. It is also interesting to note that several moves had been made to overthrow Hitler even before the war began. Even though it seems clear, it is important, at this point, to insist that the plot of July 1944 was not just an attempt by a bunch of renegade army officers to kill Adolf Hitler and take over his government, but a truly patriotic and humanitarian move to liberate and distance the German nation from the vices of greed, hate, genocide and absolutism, all of which the Nazi government embodied. Germany was in the heart of the Second World War, and there was a wanton killing of Jews in German concentration camps all over Europe. â€Å"If the plot had succeeded, the war could have been shortened, the slaughter ended and the lives of millions of Jews saved† (Holocaust Educational Trust of Ireland). At the immediate conception of the plot, however, opposition to Hitler’s government was not military, but simply political. But by the mid 1930’s, several trade and political opposition groups, which existed or voiced their discontent with his

Friday, July 26, 2019

Impact of Genetic Engineering Technology on People, Society and the Research Paper

Impact of Genetic Engineering Technology on People, Society and the Community - Research Paper Example The genetic engineering technology was made possible also because of the contribution of many scientists in the past who discovered many things relating to genetics and molecular biology (Joshi, 2012, p. 12). Genetic engineering technology has had a wide range of developments in diverse fields. Genetic engineering has been applied in the field of agriculture, medicine, and industry. The technology of engineering the genetic composition or the genome of an organism has been capitalized by many scientists. For example in agriculture, it all started with cross-breeding of animals and cross-pollination of the plant. This has advanced to the genetic modification through engineering the genome of the plants and animals through genetic alterations where a set of genetic codes can be added to an organism to enhance a certain trait that is required. Various methods of carrying out this process safely and in the right manner have been exploited. This was after it was realized that the traits of an organism can be altered through this process. Advances were made on the use of viral vectors to inject genetic material into the genome of an organism, through the use of natural transformation and other processes (Joshi, 2012, p. 68). Genetic engineering has been employed in a range of fields as stated above including agriculture, medicine, and industry. Genetic engineering has been used in the field of Agriculture for the production of better-performing crops and animals. It has been used to enhance agricultural production by enhancing the quality, increasing the yield, the nutritional value, the quality of meat in animals among other things (Joshi, 2012, p. 152). This technology has also been used in the field of medicine for therapeutic purposes, the treatment of cancer, the correction of genetic disorders among other purposes.  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assignment in medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Assignment in medicine - Essay Example The article is under social & administrative pharmacy. The research topic is â€Å"A Pharmacy-Based Coaching Program to Improve Adherence to Antidepressant Treatment among Primary Care Patients.† this article is under the â€Å"social & administrative pharmacy† pharmacy discipline because of the coaching program and its inclusion of antidepressant care to primary care patients exclusively. A social aspect arises from the study being published in the journal â€Å"Psychiatric Services† (Brook, Hout, Stalman, Nieuwenhuyse, Bakker, Heerdink, and Haan 487). This publisher means the study focused less on the effectiveness or lack thereof of drugs, and more on the coaching program. The study is important because training patients to identify their drugs and telling depressed patients what to expect can enhance their adherence to antidepressant medication. The article’s objective is to enhance adherence to nontricyclic antidepressant regimens amongst depressed patients via a pharmacist involvement. Yes, the researchers used a statement of hypothesis, which was that â€Å"positive expectations and a belief in the benefits and efficacy of treatment [are] essential to adherence† (Brook, Hout, Stalman, Nieuwenhuyse, Bakker, Heerdink, and Haan 488). Independent variables involved in this study are patients with and without depression, pharmacists, an ethical committee, symptoms, and coaches. Dependent variables were the community clinic, pharmacy, randomized regimens, themes, computerized prescriptions, and protocol analyses. The population of the study was a sum of 147 primary care patients diagnosed with depression. The sample included a new prescription of antidepressant medicine for each of these patients, coaching pharmacists, and different prescribing pharmacists. The sampling procedure entailed prescribing new antidepressant medication to each of the patients and measuring their adherence by use of an electronic tablet

News Release Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

News Release - Essay Example But just to allay the Chinese community’s concern, we conducted a test and the result is negative†. Also, as a conscientious company that is committed to delivering hightest possible quality of burgers to its Chinese consuming public, Burger King agrees with the Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said it was "completely unacceptable" that consumers were being sold food that contained horse in place of beef† of which Burger King will never consider of mixing horsemeat with its beef patties. Burger King initiated its own internal meat testing on all its meat components to verify if the company is affected by the horsemeat scandal that permeated in UK and Ireland. This is ahead and separate from the government’s mandate to test all processed beef products for authenticity to double check that indeed we only give 100% beef grade meat to our customers. To assure the consuming public about the quality of Burger King’s meat, we extended the checks to other components of the business and performed a thorough quality inspection among our process and suppliers. In the process, we also would like to inform the consuming public and the regulatory authorities that Burger King severed all business ties with suppliers who were accused of the horsemeat scandal. This is the company’s effort to remove any possible contamination of horsemeat among Burger Kings meat products that would undermine the company’s commitment to its consuming public that it will onl y offer 100% highest quality beef in its burger patties. It is unfortunate that there are several businesses that do not enforce the highest ethical practice in their business operations that prompted them to mislabel their products or defraud their customers with the quality of content of their products. Burger King condemned this to be fraudulent and misleading business practice

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

U4 Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

U4 Discussion - Coursework Example In the case of accessing files shared, a user maybe unable to access files that they ought to access when logged on locally. This may be due to permissions which are assigned to the user or to the group of which the user is a member. The permissions given (both share permissions and file permissions) should be checked to see if there is an exception to the rule (Microsoft Support, 2006). The exception includes an explicit deny permission to a certain file or folder. Deny permissions assist in enumerating the certain tasks that can be performed by users. Sometimes it is necessary to restrict access, more so to printers. In companies it is necessary to know what is being printed on the printer network. For example in the accounts department, the settings of the printer are configured to prevent every domain user from using it. It also allows tracking of the legitimate checks that have been printed. Other situations includes when a company wants to restrict printers which use expensive supplies. In healthcare the privacy and confidentiality of information is a virtue, thus restriction to what is printed and who can print comes in handy. Printer administration can be simplified by use of printer pooling. This is a standard feature of windows 2000, XP and NT that allows an administrator to spread out printed output to several printers (pool). It enables the server to have good management of multiple printers using a single printer instance, this provides some sort of load balance and it is important for administrative purposes. 3. Although your textbook does not talk at length about printer priorities (involving multiple print queues or objects), do some research on this topic and tell how it differs from printer pooling. Under what circumstances would you want to implement printing priorities? This is different from printer priority which involves setting different virtual

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Merit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Merit - Essay Example In the practical world, this will be unrealistic because people are used to the contrary. There will be many questions of human rights that will arise. From the ancient periods, it is difficult to measure what is considered equally just. In the contemporary situation, most people are rewarded on the basis of assumption and estimates. In the education sector, most students do not get what is rightfully theirs. Most students feel that the examination they do does not entail all that the syllabus covers. The examinations will only cover specific areas instead of the entire syllabus. Students feel discriminated because the exam might not cover their strong points hence they will fail. The exams must be set in a way that the students demonstrate what they have learnt. The examinations should also be done regularly and the results compiled. The system of doing examinations once in every semester does not give the students a chance to exhibit their strengths in many units. In some cases, th e ladies are given some exemptions when they are applying for certain courses (Rachel, 2010). From the ancient times, men used to get more rewards than the women because they used to do a lot of work. Women rights advocates came up with arguments that the women were being discriminated. This has led to the emergence of affirmative actions for the women.

Monday, July 22, 2019

One Direction vs 5 Seconds Of Summer Essay Example for Free

One Direction vs 5 Seconds Of Summer Essay One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer are both popular boy bands that are known across the world. 5 Seconds Of Summer is a rock / pop band , which consists of 4 Australian boys , Calum T. Hood , Luke R. Hemmings , Ashton F. Irwin , and Michael G. Clifford . One Direction is a pop band , which consists of 4 British boys and 1 Irish boy , Niall J. Horan , Zayn J. Malik , Harry E. Styles , Louis W. Tomlinson , and Liam J. Payne. One Direction was formed in 2010. While they were all competing as solo artists. At the British  X-Factor judges Nicole Sherzinger and Simon Cowell decided to put the five boys into a group. One Direction then signed with Simon Cowells record label Syco Records after being formed and finishing third in the seventh series of the show. Even though One Direction didn’t make it to the 1st Place in the group category in X-Factor , Simon signed them to a ? 2 million record contract at Syco Records . They recorded their first hit single ‘ What Makes You Beautiful ‘ which broke several records, and topped the charts of most major markets online and in stores. Sooner their album ‘ Up All Night ‘ was released in 2011 2012 including some of their hit singles like , One Thing , Gotta Be You , and What Makes You Beautiful. Then , their album ‘ Take Me Home ‘ was released in 2012 2013 and included songs like Live While We’re Young , Kiss You , and Little Things. And recently in 2013 their 3rd album ‘ Midnight Memories ‘ was released and included songs like Best Song Ever , Story Of My Life , and Diana. 5 Seconds Of Summer ( 5SOS ) was formed in Sydney in 2011. Their fan base increased  once again on Youtube , when Louis Tomlinson from One Direction posted the link to their YouTube video of their song Gotta Get Out , stating that hed been a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer for a while. The band was once again the subject of interest for One Direction following the release of their first single, Out Of My Limit, on November 19 , 2012, with Niall Horan tweeting the link to the video clip for it. On February 14 , 2013 , it was announced that 5 Seconds of Summer will be supporting One Direction on their worldwide Take Me Home tour. The tour kicked off at the O2 Arena in London on February 23 , 2013, and 5 Seconds of Summer joined One Direction for shows in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand, including 7 shows at Allphones Arena in 5 Seconds of Summers home town Sydney. While on a break from the Take Me Home Tour, 5 Seconds of Summer returned home to Australia where they played a National headlining tour, with all dates selling out within minutes. On November 21, 2013, the band announced that they had signed to Capitol Records. Seconds of Summer are currently  working on their debut album. To my opinion I like the band One Direction more because they are my inspiration. I found out about them before I knew about 5 Seconds Of Summer. I even got my family to get me their tickets to their up all night tour at Madison Square Garden. I also watched their X-Factor videos in 2011. So although these two bands have a connection with each other even when they have a whole different background they will forever be in my heart. Both of these two bands have inspired me in many ways you cannot imagine.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Promotion And Development Of Rail Tourism India Tourism Essay

Promotion And Development Of Rail Tourism India Tourism Essay In India, Railways play a vital role in the socio-economic life of the country. Today, the number of domestic as well as international travelers is increasing with an increase in the disposable income of Indians. To support the increasing traffic of travelers even Indian Railways have come out with few plans over last 10-15 years. They are trying to build their tourism wing as well but still travelers are not aware of the various initiatives taken by Indian Railways. Indian Railways have a totally new wing to handle this i.e. Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). The first objective of the project is to bring awareness by designing the marketing plan for them. This will be used all over the country to promote rail tourism. The other objective of the project is to find the feasibility of new route which they can venture into. This would require both financial and operational strategy. The final deliverable for the MRR would be a combination of both the strategies mentioned above for Indian Railways to showcase the marketing plan and advantages and risk for investing in the new routes. Objectives of the study The objective of this study is as follows: To study Indian Railways especially tourism hand of it. To study changing tourism pattern in India. To study current IRCTC tourism plan. To understand the demographics of tourist To recommend a marketing strategy for already present plans Finding new route which IRCTC could venture. To develop financial and operational plan for this new route. To recommend a plan for the implementation of above strategy. Hypothesis of the MRR In India, numbers of tourist are increasing every year due to increase in the disposable income. Railway has a tourism wing which tries to satisfy the need of these tourist but still general public is not much aware various initiatives taken. Tourist are still competing with the general traveler to get a seat in rail instead of opting for various other special offers provided by rail tourism. We have an opportunity to start new route and promote both old as well as new routes by formulating a marketing plan for this. Scope and Limitation Scope: This study would help in promoting rail tourism in India. Also this would help them to generate extra revenue by venturing into new routes. It would help to satisfy the current increasing demand for transportation by tourist. Limitation: MRR would choose certain region based on selected parameters to search for new routes and to start with the marketing plan for the same. This selection does not mean that IRCTC would be willing to share all the data for the project. MRR would only deal in highlighting and describing important benefits associated with start of new routes. It would not cover financial and operational details of it. The financial plan would require valuations of new strategy. Limitations in data might lead to valuations based on assumptions and model. However both time and resource did not permit venturing into a study of other Railway systems in detail except through what was available on Internet and locally available article on the subject. Chapter 2: Brief overview of global Tourism Industry Introduction Tourism is travel for various purposes like recreational, business, leisure or pleasure. World Tourism Organization headquartered at Madrid defines tourists as people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. In recent times tourism has been recognized as an important social and economic phenomenon. At the World Conference on Tourism held in Manila in 1980, the importance of tourism and its widespread effects were recognized in the Manila Declaration on World Tourism, which stated, Tourism is considered an activity essential to the life of nations because of its direct effects on the social, cultural, educational and economic sectors of national societies and on their international relations. There are three forms of Tourism as per United Nations as follows: Domestic Tourism When a resident is travelling in its own country. Inbound Tourism When Non-residents are travelling in the given country. Outbound Tourism When residents travels to another country. History In earlier times, rich uses to travel to distant parts of the world, to see great buildings, works of art,  learn new languages, and experience new cultures and to taste different  cuisines. The word  tourist  was used by 1772  and  tourism  by 1811.  In 1936, the  League of Nations defined  foreign tourist  as someone traveling abroad for at least twenty-four hours. United Nations in 1945 have amended this definition by including a maximum stay of six months. United Kingdom was the first country to promote leisure travel which was associated with Industrial Revolution due to increase in Industrial population. This comprise of new middle class at that time. This model was then replicated in France, Continental Europe, and south pacific Asia and slowly in other parts of world. Mass tourism was developed with the development of technology and infrastructure, allowing tourist to move around in the world with ease. It was developed only due to new development in transport system around the world. Tourist Destination statistics The global tourism market is very concentrated at the top end; 45% of the world`s international arrivals in 2010 are accounted for by the top ten countries. However the future trends show a major shift in the share of tourist arrivals from developed European economies to emerging Asian markets. Following is the ranking of top destinations as per United Nations World Tourism Organization as per different categories: International Tourist arrivals by country of destination as of 2011 France 80 Million United States 62 Million China 58 Million International Tourism receipts as of 2011 United States $116 Billion Spain $60 Billion France $54 Billion Most visited cities by international tourist arrival Paris (France) 15.6 Million London (UK) 15.2 Million Antalya (Turkey) 10.5 Million Goldrush_big.jpg Source: Amadeus The above diagram shows a research conducted by Amadeus which shows that there will be a dramatic change of travel spend with Asia-Pacific visitor arrivals accounting for 22% of global traffic and Asia-Pacific residents representing 32% of global travel spend in 2020. Although Europe will dominate the tourism market overall but Asia-Pacific have shown a great improvement and is growing faster than other regions. Economic Factors Travel Tourism is one of the worlds largest industries. In 2011 Travel Tourism contributed 9% to the global GDP which values to more than US$6 trillion, and accounted for more than 255 million jobs. Travel Tourism industry is expected to grow by an average of 4% annually over the next 10 years, taking it to 10% of global GDP, or some US$10 trillion. It is expected that by 2022 Travel Tourism industry will account for 328 million jobs or 1 in every 10 jobs on the planet. As per a survey Travel Tourism is a key generator of employment across the European Union directly generating 10 million jobs across Europe, substantially more than the automotive manufacturing (3.2 million), mining (3.6 million) and financial services sectors (8.5 million). Employment is created in the sectors like transportation services like airlines, cruise, taxi, etc; hospitality services such as hotels, resorts, etc; and entertainment industry like amusement parks, casinos, shopping malls, theatres, etc. Ev en Asia Pacific region is now investing money in Travel Tourism to depict same figures in their economies as well. Below is the diagram showing how the contribution is made towards economy and employment through Travel and Tourism (TT). It is divided into three parts i.e. Direct, Indirect and Induced. Source: World Trade and Tourism Council research report The direct contribution of TT to GDP in 2011 was USD 1,972.8bn (2.8% of GDP). The direct contribution of Travel and Tourism to GDP is expected to grow by 4.2% pa by 2022. Total contribution of TT to GDP was USD 6,346.1bn in 2011 i.e. 9.1% of GDP and is expected to grow by 2.8% to USD 6,526.9bn i.e. 9.8% of GDP by 2022. Source: WTTC Negative factors affecting tourism Below are the factors which are affecting tourism in most part of the world: Terrorist threat is one of the biggest negative factors affecting tourism. Terrorist attack in London, US, etc has reduced the number of tourist going to these countries. Also there is  terrorist threat  to  tourist destinations, such as in  Bali  and several European cities. Tsunami in Asia had affected tourism in most of the Asian countries at that time. Thousands of lives were lost including many tourists. Tsunami, Katrina and other cyclones in other regions have slowed down the tourism industry in their respective countries. Virus attacks like H1N1 influenza virus have affected the tourism in several countries. Other factors like economic unrest and recession have affected the number of tourist going for vacation. Future Developments Tourism is expected to grow at a rate of 4% annually and all this requires constant development in the technology and infrastructure. Tourists can be divided generally as per their budgets and taste thus new different ideas are required to pull tourist towards a country or city. For example some people like to go on a hill while some people like to go out for a theme park. Thus various developments were done to cater all the segments as per their needs. Developments like airlines have made it very accessible to travel round the world. International organization WHO estimates that up to 500,000 people is on planes at any time. Internet development has brought a new revolution in tourism industry. One can book tickets (Rail, ship, airlines, etc), plans, packages, etc through internet. One can easily get a customized package as per their needs on a click of button. Due to competition these website gives competitive prices which is always beneficial for the end customer. Sustainable Tourism As the environmental condition of the world deteriorating every year this is an attempt by tourism industry to make as low impact on the  environment  and local  culture  as possible, while helping to generate future employment for local people. The aim of sustainable tourism is to ensure that development brings a positive experience for local people, tourism companies and the tourists themselves. There is a difference between Sustainable tourism and  ecotourism. Ecotourism  is a form of  tourism  involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial (mass) tourism. Purpose of Ecotourism is to educate the traveler, to provide funds for  ecological conservation, to directly benefit the  economic development  and political empowerment of local communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for  human rights. A number of countries around the world are dependent on Tourism and consider Sustainable tourism as the important vehicle for economic and social development. Sustainable tourism is visualized as leading to management of all resources in such a way that social, economic and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining biodiversity, cultural integrity, life support system and essential ecological processes. It  implies meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is not just the responsibility of government but it is the responsibility of all the stakeholders in tourism sector as well as the tourists to ensure that what they are getting today is preserve for future generations to enjoy. All stakeholders are responsible to give a good quality of life to future generations and they shouldnt do anything which would affect the lives of future generation. For Sustainable tourism each country has to address various issues of policy-making, planning, management and the participation of the private sector and other stakeholders must be addressed in terms of opportunities for action and possible constraints that need to be overcome by concerted efforts. Sustainable-Development.png Sustainable tourism aims to reach a balance between the three factors mentioned above i.e. Social, Environmental and Economic factors without affecting the tourists expectations from their travel. Sustainable tourism integrates tourism with other factors like economic and growth policies so as to reduce the negative impact mass tourism. Sustainable tourism requires involving local community as well while developing any tourism plan as they are the people who will get affected by any kind of development in their area. Murphy promoted the use of an ecological approach while implementing the sustainable tourism development process. He considered both plants and people during the process. This is in contrast to the boosterism and economic approaches to tourism planning, neither of which considers the detrimental ecological or sociological impacts of tourism development to a destination. Chapter 3: Overview of Indian Tourism Industry Introduction India is a huge land with a variety of different flora and fauna. Each place has something new to offer. It has covered by Himalayas hilly region on one side and sea on the other sides. Tourism in India is one of the largest service industries. As India is a vast country so there are thousands of destinations and each destination is a tourist spot in itself. Whether you visit the metros, big cities or remote areas of India, you will experience something different and interesting alike. Besides, India is also dotted with a number of picturesque hills which draw tourists from world over and provide a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of cities. For those who are interested in history and architecture, India has a number of sites which have been designated as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. You can get a fine glimpse of the bygone era at these Heritage Sites.  UK and US tourists are among major tourist population that visit India. Most popular tourist destinations, in India, among Foreigners are Kerala,  Tamil Nadu,  Delhi,  Uttar Pradesh  and  Rajasthan. Most popular destination among Domestic tourist is Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Being oldest states of India, heritage Sites and most importantly Pilgrimage Sites, attracts Domestic tourist. According to  World Travel and Tourism Council, from 2009 to 2018, India will among top tourism destination,  having the highest 10-year growth potential.  The  Travel Tourism Competitiveness Report 2007  ranked tourism in India sixth in terms of price competitiveness and 39th in terms of safety and security. A 5000 year history, culture, religion and alternative medicine fascinates all segments of tourist. The focus of the industry is on Atithi Devo Bhavah campaign, targeted at the inbound foreign tourist. Translated literally it means Guest is God. Main attraction to India is its cultural and geographical diversity. It also had a rich history and each region has its own uniqueness which appeals to large and diverse tourist base. There are many tourist spots which come under UNESCO heritage. India provides heritage, sports, medical and business. India has one of the largest and fastest growing  medical tourism sectors. According to global hotel and hospitality consulting firm, HVS International, the strong performance in tourist arrivals in 2005 can be attributed to a strong sense of business and investment confidence in India inspired by: Indias strong GDP performance Strengthening of ties with developed world Reforms in aviation sector which led to better connectivity with many countries, and Opening of sectors of the economy to private sector/foreign investment. Other factors are: Development of infrastructure by government Indias emergence as an outsourcing hub Success of Incredible India campaign and other tourism promotion measures Indias growing recognition as an exciting place to visit. Ministry of Tourism National policies are planned by the Ministry of Tourism. They are responsible for the development and promotion of tourism in India. They are also responsible for the regulation of tourism industry as well as promotion of India as tourist destination to the world. They have to take consideration from all the stakeholders in the sector to execute any plan or development in any of the regions. All the stakeholders involved in this process needs to work collaboratively to function smoothly. Ministry is putting considerable effort to promote new forms of tourism like eco-tourism, medical, sports, water, etc.  The Ministry of Tourism also maintains the  Incredible India  campaign. As of January 2011, head of the ministry is the  Cabinet Minister Subodh Kant Sahay.  India  stole the limelight at the World Tourism Mart 2011 in  London  by winning two global awards Worlds Leading Destination and Worlds Leading Tourist Board,  Incredible India. Economic Factors Tourism contributes 6.4% to the national GDP and 8.8% to the employment in India. It is the 3rd largest foreign exchange earner in India. Travel Tourism (TT) directs contribution to GDP in 2011 was INR1,689.8bn (1.9% of GDP). By 2012, it is forecasted that it will grow by 7.6% to INR1,818.5bn. This shows how much economy can grow just with the help of hotels, rails and other form of transportation services (excluding commuter services). Not only this but it also includes the other industries which are dependent on the tourist such as restaurants and leisure industry. It is expected that by 2022 direct contribution of TT to GDP is expected to grow by 7.7% pa to INR3,805.2bn (1.9% of GDP). The Total contribution of TT to GDP was INR5,651.0bn in 2011 (6.4% of GDP) and by 2012 it is expected to grow by 7.3% to INR6,062.3bn (6.5% of GDP). Total contribution is further forecast to rise by 7.8% pa to INR12,891.2bn by 2022 (6.5% of GDP). % of whole economy GDP Source: WTTC Travel Tourism Economic Impact 2012 Direct TT generated by leisure travel spending (inbound and domestic) is 73.8% of direct TT GDP in 2011 (INR3,335.4bn) compared with 26.2% for business travel spending (INR1,181.3bn). Business travel spending is expected to grow by 4.1% in 2012 to INR1,229.6bn, and rise by 7.6% pa to INR2,562.2bn in 2022. Leisure travel spending is expected to grow by 8.6% in 2012 to INR3,622.3bn, and rise by 7.6% pa to INR7,554.3bn in 2022. Source: WTTC Travel Tourism Economic Impact 2012 Domestic travel spending generated 82.2% of direct Travel Tourism GDP in 2011 compared with 17.8% for visitor exports (ie foreign visitor spending or international tourism receipts). Domestic travel spending is expected to grow by 8.3% in 2012 to INR4,009.9bn, and rise by 8.1% pa to INR8,710.3bn in 2022. Visitor exports are expected to grow by 3.5% in 2012 to INR829.2bn, and rise by 5.2% pa to INR1,382.6bn in 2022. Source: WTTC Travel Tourism Economic Impact 2012 Below are the country rankings of absolute contribution for year 2011. We can see that under direct and total contribution to GDP India is ranked 11th and 12th respectively which is a good ranking. Compared to other Asian economies China is the only country ahead of India in ranking. If we consider employment parameter then India is ranked as 1st for direct contribution to employment while 2nd for total contribution to employment after China. If we see capital investment done with respect to other countries then India is ranked at 4th position. These rankings are in absolute term but if we consider relative value then India is way behind its neighbors. It is ranked as 126th as total contribution to the GDP. While contribution of tourism to employment is ranked at 102nd and capital investment at 97th. Compared to its competitive neighboring nation it is a poor ranking. C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocsContribution.jpg Source: WTTC The tables provide brief extracts from the full WTTC Country League Table Rankings, highlighting comparisons with competing destinations as well as with the world average. The competing destinations selected are those that offer a similar tourism product and compete for tourists from the same set of origin markets. These tend to be, but are not exclusively, geographical neighbors. Below is the long term ranking on the same parameters as above. If we analyze the rankings then we can see that it is improving from the current relative rankings. C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocsLong term.jpg Source: WTTC The above table highlights comparison with competing destination as well as with world average. It is a snapshot from WTTC country league table ranking. The competing destinations offer a similar tourism product and compete for tourists from the same set of origin markets i.e. geographic location. Statistics of Indian Tourism In 2010, numbers of foreign tourist arrival were 5.78 Million which shows the annual growth rate of 11.8%. This double digit shows that the number of tourist coming to India is increasing at a good rate because the global annual growth is just 6.6% while annual growth of entire Asia Pacific Region is 12.7%. Although this annual growth rate is comparatively high but the share of India in International tourist arrival is just 0.61% and India is ranked at 40th position. We can also see in the below chart provided by UNWTO that the inbound tourism in Asia and pacific region is going to grow faster than any other region of the world. So this gives a lot of potential for Asian countries to grow and develop their economy via medium of tourism. C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocsunwto_general_assembly_10oct2011_slide8.jpg Source: UNWTO Maximum tourist comes from USA (16%) followed by UK (13%) and then Bangladesh (7.5%). Delhi (34.5%) and Mumbai airport (20.5%) is the main entry point for tourists coming to India. Below table shows the purpose of FTAs visit to India. C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocs77.jpg Source: India Tourism Statistic 2010 In 2010, peak tourist month was December while on the lower side was May. In December there were around 11.8% tourist and in May there were 5.7% tourist only. The below graph shows that peak season were in Jan March Oct Dec in 2010. This is generally consistent with the pattern in 2008 and 2009 also. C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocsMonth.jpg Source: India Tourism Statistic 2010 Peak months differ for countries to countries like for USA, Canada, Malaysia, Australia and Singapore, December was the peak month. For countries like UK, Germany and Korea January was the peak month. For few countries it is even August or July. But overall it is the winter season (October-December) where we see maximum FTAs in India i.e. 31.1% and minimum in summer season (April-June) i.e. 18.8%. Of all the FTAs in 2010, Male FTAs accounted for 59.3% while Female as 40.7%. Over the last 15 years the percentage of female visitors has increased in India. The trend among the age group which we have seen in the inbound tourist was that maximum comes from the age group of 35-44, followed by the age groups of 45-54 years and 25-34 years. Minimum were in the age group of 15-24 years. Domestic Tourism: Along with International tourism even Domestic tourism is increasing at a good pace. The compound annual growth rate of domestic tourist visits to all states/UTs from 1991 to 2010 is 13.5%. Below is the diagram showing year-wise domestic/foreign tourists visits to States/ UTs during 2000 and 2010 C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocsDomestic.jpg Source: India Tourism Statistic 2010 Below is the figure showing the percentage share of Top 10 States/UTs in Domestic tourist visits in 2010. We can see that Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Tamilnadu itself comprise of roughly 55% of the total domestic tourist visit. In terms of foreign tourist Maharashtra is the state which is most visited i.e. 28.5%. C:UsersDellDocumentsAIMMRRDocsshare.jpg Source: India Tourism Statistic 2010 Chapter 4: Transport Industry in India Introduction Transport in the Republic of India is an important part of the nations economy. Since the economic liberalization of the 1990s, development of infrastructure within the country has progressed at a rapid pace, and today there is a wide variety of modes of transport by land, water and air. Indias transport sector is large and diverse; it caters to the needs of 1.1 billion people. In 2007, the sector contributed about 5.5 percent to the nations GDP. Public transport still remains the primary mode of transport for most of the population, and Indias public transport systems are among the most heavily used in the world. Indias rail network is the 4th longest and the most heavily used system in the world, transporting over 6  billion passengers and over 350 million  tons of freight annually. Good physical connectivity in the urban and rural areas is essential for economic growth. Since the early 1990s, Indias growing economy has witnessed a rise in demand for transport infrastructure and services. However, the sector has not been able to keep pace with rising demand and is proving to be a drag on the economy. Major improvements in the sector are required to support the countrys continued economic growth and to reduce poverty. Primary Mode of Transportation Railways.  Indian Railways (reporting mark IR) is an Indian state-owned railway enterprise, owned and operated by the Government of India through the Ministry of Railways. It is one of the worlds largest railway networks comprising a total of 114,500 kilometres (71,147 mi) of track over a route of 65,000 kilometres (40,389 mi) and 7,500 stations. IR carries over 30 million passengers and 2.8 million tons of freight daily. In 2011-2012 Railway earned INR104,278.79 crore (US$18.87 billion) which consists of INR69,675.97 crore (US$12.61 billion) from freight and INR28,645.52 crore (US$5.18 billion) from passengers tickets. It is one of the worlds largest employers.  The railways play a leading role in carrying passengers and cargo across Indias vast territory. However, most of its major corridors have capacity constraint requiring capacity enhancement plans. To reduce congestion on rail corridors along the highly trafficked Golden Quadrilateral and improving port connectivity govern ment is launching the National Rail Vikas Yojana (National Railway Development Program). The development of two Dedicated Freight Corridors from Mumbai to Delhi and Ludhiana to Dankuni is also in governments plan. Roads.  Roads are the dominant mode of transportation in India today. They carry almost 90 percent of the countrys passenger traffic and 65 percent of its freight. The density of Indias highway network at 0.66 km of highway per square kilometer of land is similar to that of the United States (0.65) and much greater than Chinas (0.16) or Brazils (0.20). However, most highways in India are narrow and congested with poor surface quality, and 40 percent of Indias villages do not have access to all-weather roads. Ports. India has a long coastline, spanning 7516.6 kilometres, forming one of the biggest peninsulas in the world. It is serviced by 13 major ports (12 government and 1 corporate) and 187 notified minor and intermediate ports. The latest addition to major ports is Port Blair on June 2010, the 13th port in the country. These ports serve the countrys growing foreign trade in petroleum products, iron ore, and coal, as well as the increasing movement of containers. Inland water transportation remains largely undeveloped despite Indias 14,000 kilometers of navigable rivers and canals. Aviation. India has  125 airports, including 11 international airports. Indian airports handled 96 million passengers and 1.5 million tons of cargo in year 2006-2007, an increase of 31.4% for passenger and 10.6% for cargo traffic over previous year. The dramatic increase in air traffic for both passengers and cargo in recent years has placed a heavy strain on the countrys major airports. Passenger traffic is projected to cross 100 million and cargo to cross 3.3 million tons by year 2010. Privatization and expansion of the Mumbai and New Delhi Airports and development of new international airports at Hyderabad and Bangalore. Transport infrastructure in India is better developed in the southern and southwestern parts of the country. PESTLE Analysis Political Context Many limitations were imposed by public transport sector. Also government has imposed many taxes which will further increase the prices of automobiles. Government has asked public transport vehicles in many cities to move to CNG instead of petrol which has affected many individuals. Launching the ambitious National Highway Development Program which has seven phases and is expected to be completed by 2012. It includes improved connectivity between Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, popularly called the Golden Quadrilateral, in the first phase, North- South and East- West corridors in phase two, four laning of more than 12,000 km in phase three, two laning of 20,000km and six laning of 6,500 km respectively in phase four and five, development of 1,000km of expressway in phase six and other important highway projects in phase seven. Total expected investment is INR 2.2 trillion. Accelerated Road Development Program for the North East Region to provide road connectivi ty to all State capitals and district headquarters in the region. Economic Context Petrol prices are increasing every year at a sky rocket speed and this will surely hamper the transport industry as it will lead to increase in the travelling fare. Consumer confidence has decreased as a result of the economic downturn and people are seeking savings in their everyday life. Increase in the average disposable income of both families and individuals indicates that more people can afford to buy and use a private car. Tourism bring foreign exchange earnings of USD 14.19 Billion. The top-income households, the real consuming class with high disposable income, have been getting richer faster. It is for this reason that the boom in sales of virtually every consumer product from cars to bikes to TV sets is visible all over. Societies Context Growing population and numbers of visitors/tourists/immigrants imply increasing demand for transport Services. People are more time-poor and seek efficient ways of transport in the city, where public transport possesses advantages such as rail and bus lanes that avoid traffic jams. People seek the convenience, personal comfort and social status that mainly private cars or, to a certain degree, taxis can offer Technology Context Rapid development in communication and computer technologies, e.g. increasing use of videoconferencing, tele-working and the Internet

Human Development Late Adulthood and End of Life

Human Development Late Adulthood and End of Life Right from conception to the day of death, a humans life is constantly developing and changing. However, most of these changes and developments are solely caused by the diverse stages we go through as human beings. The development stages are purely determined by biological and sociological heritage encountered by human beings. There are various developmental stages in the life of a human being which need to be addressed with great care so as to mitigate the negative effects associated with aging. As we age, there are various advancements that occur in us. For instance, we are able to properly use our bodies, develop relationships, communicate and work as well as experience love. The importance of possessing adequate knowledge on ageism and stereotypes associated with it cannot be overemphasized. This is due to the fact that the unfolding of human development lifespan is the base of our problems in life. There have been widespread views on death of human beings during various points o f development. As such, religious and cultural perspectives have had different views about human development and death. Nevertheless, human life can be likened to journey where one moves from one point to another, facing various challenges and moments of joy distinct from others. Promoting health and wellness in old age Promoting health and wellness during late adulthood can be very helpful in the mitigation against negative impacts of aging. It is considered that late adulthood starts at the age of 65 years. According to experts, this stage of life can be made a lively one if individuals obtain satisfaction and meaning in life rather than disillusionment and bitterness (Miller, 2008). Similarly, people within this age bracket are advised to develop a resolution between integrity versus despair which is always in conflicts throughout ones life. Statistics has shown that about 20% of the American population is composed of people aged 65 years and above. Moreover, further studies have demonstrated that with the improved modern medical technology, there is likelihood that longer lives can be attained artificially. Furthermore, it has been proved that longevity of life is not always associated with physical and mental deterioration. Psychologists have developed various ways through which individuals can eliminate the negative consequences of aging. For example, there are two theories that have been associated with successful aging: activity theory and disengagement theory. The former relates to the fact that as people age, their involvement in the normal societal activities is advisable due to the relief from difficult responsibilities. Consequently, opportunities are opened up for the younger people leading to better benefits to the society (Miller, 2008). The latter theory contradicts the former. It emphasizes that for better adjustment to aging, earlier activities of life should be maintained. Moreover, the proponents of the theory argue that being active ensures maintenance of the normal quality of life. In addition, maintenance of activity of a complete whole: physical, mental and social, prevents negative impacts of aging. Ageism and old age stereotypes Ageism is discrimination based on age. This form of discrimination is apparent in all ages but mostly applies towards the older people. Due to this kind of prejudice, older people are compelled to retire even though they still feel fit to continue working. Ageism is associated with various stereotypes about older people. There is no particular truth associated with stereotypes and ageism. For instance, when a person makes a remark such as, He drives like a little old lady, they are making a stereotype that may not have reasonable truth. While it may be true for an elderly lady to do most of her things slowly, there are others that do not have issues with speed. In fact, they may be faster than most of people several years younger (Nelson, 2004). Scientists have proved that the peak of ones physical strength as well as endurance is attained during the twenties. Thereafter, a decline ensues though at different rates depending on individuals. When one attains the late adulthood age, diverse physiological alterations may occur. Additionally, some level of brain atrophy may occur coupled with decreased neural process rates. Other numerous body changes such as decreased efficiency of the circulatory and respiratory rates and change of the gastrointestinal system occur during old age and they have profound impacts. Similarly, diminish of the bone mass particularly on women may lead to complications like osteoporosis. Other myths and stereotypes on aging include the believe that older people are senile, that the five senses are repressed during old age, that older people have no capacity and interest in sex, that most older people have a feeling of misery most often, that about 10% of aged live in long-stay institutions, that there is tendency towards being religious during old age, that old people are poor learners and during old age illnesses are bound to increase. The number of myths and stereotypes is somewhat inexhaustible. However, the fact is that these myths do not apply on all old people (Nelson, 2004). The concept of death dying Death and dying during different levels of human development have diverse views. Immense interest has always been associated with death and dying (Corr Nabe, 2005). Innumerable views have been given by different people on the concept of death and dying. However, the society has played a central role in shaping the perceptions of the people towards death and dying during different stages of human development. From time to time, there have been changing attitudes about death. Besides the usual attitude of fear concerning death, other attitudes have emerged in the recent times. During the process of human development, changes occur on the view of death and dying. For instance, during birth, one does not have an idea of what death is. However, this changes as one advance in age. Similarly, views concerning death are varied during different stages of human development. For instance, death of a child may be regarded very inappropriate due to the loss of an unexploited human being (Corr N abe, 2005). Similarly, if one dies during the Middle Ages, it may be regarded as an intense loss due to the resources used on the person who does not benefit the society. Finally, when a person dies during old age, it may not be regarded as intense as the society has derived some benefits from them. Different cultures have varied views about death and dying. According to philosophers, understanding the reality of death and the impacts on mans life; comprehension of the fears associated with death, enables people to live their lives fully. However, the American society does not believe in the reality of death; leading to confusion among people on issues of death. During the medieval days, people are said to have had a natural approach on death. This is contrary to the todays technology age where the western people have been separated from the reality of their biology. Consequently, there has been an obscurity of death realities. Different cultural perspectives about death and dying relate to care accorded to the dead, the life after and body disposal (Corr Nabe, 2005). There are rituals performed during these times depending on culture such as cremation as in Hindu, sky burial as in Tibet and mummification in other cultures. Conclusion Humans go through various stages during their lifetime. Various developments are attained before old age. Old age can be made more interesting though maintenance of proper focus on health and wellness. Myths and stereotypes about old age lead to prejudice on the old. Cultural variability has led to diversity on concepts of death and dying.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Free Scarlet Letter Essay: Secrets :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Secrets of The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is considered by many to be the greatest accomplishment of an author hailed as the master of the American short story. It is set in Salem, Massachusetts. In this strictly controlled Puritan town the inhabitants live by harsh laws and fierce prejudices. Hester Prynne, a young wife whose husband is presumed dead, is being publicly humiliated for the sin of adultery. The proof of her sin is her baby girl Pearl. She conceals the identity of Pearl's father to protect him from the harsh judgement of Puritan law. She however is doomed to spend the rest of her life marked as an adulterer by wearing a scarlet "A" on her chest. Hester's husband meanwhile has arrived in the colony and taken up practice as a doctor. He makes Hester promise that she won't reveal his identity to anyone. The book covers a seven year period during which the identity of the father becomes known. It is the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, who is renowned as an especially holy and pi ous man. Wracked by guilt he starts to show outward signs of serious illness. Hester's husband under the assumed name Roger Chillingworth moves in and begins taking care of Dimmesdale. Chillingworth soon discovers that the Reverend is Pearl's father. Dimmesdale however thinks that Chillingworth is simply a doctor. Chillingworth uses his influence to multiply the feelings of guilt in the minister while trying to keep him in physical health, as a form of emotional torture. At the climax of the story, Dimmesdale confesses and dies. Hester and Pearl leave the colony. Chillingworth whose whole purpose was to get revenge from Dimmesdale suddenly finds his life without purpose and dies within a year. Hawthorne used the settings in the book, not only to develop the story, but to make a statement about Puritan Society through the use of allegory. The Puritans were a people dedicated to perfecting themselves according to a certain set of values that were uniquely Puritan. On the individual level a Puritan would try to reach perfection by living out this series of values. If they did not succeed, as in Hester or Arthur Dimmesdale's cases, their punishment would be in the fact that they did not live up to the perfection they strived for. The prison, in The Scarlet Letter is proof that Salem is a society striving for self perfection, not only individuals dedicated to perfecting themselves.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Real Estate Appraisal Essa

The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Real Estate Appraisal Abstract Appraisers need to show the reasoning behind their value opinions by discussing important spatial relationships and their likely effect on value. Geographic information systems (GIS) can be used to analyze these relationships and to show why a client should select an appraiser who has this level of information. Gilbert Castle has noted that real estate is essentially a game of information arbitrage. The likely winner of the game is the person that takes advantage of computerized analyses. Castle explains that GIS is an attention-getting way of showing what you know.(n1) Of course, larger data sets are used for GIS analysis, not just the minimum "three comps." The visual aids that GIS can generate could also be very useful in litigation, to help explain complex issues to a jury that is relatively unfamiliar with real estate valuation. Clear communication of complex technical issues is the basis of forensic consulting, an emerging field that is expected to grow more rapidly in the future. The need for forensic consulting has been created by rapid changes in technology. The Arden-Guthrie Problem Arden-Guthrie is a neighborhood in San Bernardino, California. A number of fraudulent transactions in that neighborhood inflated the ostensible value of local quadruple properties. The question is, How could a reviewer have used GIS to find the problems caused by the fraudulent sales? Many of the properties in question are located within the block group outlined in red in Figure 1. Other problem properties are located in a block group just south of the outlined area. The larger red area at the top of the map is part of a color-coding system that shows median rents by census block groups. As we can see, renters in this area one-half mile to the north were paying from $913 to $1,001 per month at the time of the 1990 census. This represents the highest rent category for San Bernardino County. Rental data from the 2000 census will be available soon. A reviewer could print out such a map and use it to check quickly for inconsistencies. One obvious inconsistency would be an appraisal that concludes that rents in the highest bracket are indicated for a property that is located in a low-rent area. Census data is relatively inexpensive. Data for the entire country was ava... ... 5. Frank F. DeGiovanni in Gentrification, Displacement and Neighborhood Revitalization, SUNY series on urban public policy, Albany State University of New York Press, c1984 6. Emily DeNitto, A Neighborhood Grows in Brooklyn, Crain’s New York Business, January 1, 2001 7. Margaret E. Dewar, Why State and Local Economic Development Programs Cause so Little Development, in Economic Development Quarterly, Vol. 12 No. 1, Sage Publication, February 1998 8. Slobodan Djajic in Slobodan Djajic, International Migration Trends, Policies and Economic Impact, Routledge, London, New York 2001 9. Greg Donaldson, The Ville : cops and kids in urban America, New York : Ticknor & Fields, 1993 10. Economist, A modest contribution, Survey: Migration, October 2002 Bibliography Economist, A modest contribution, Survey: Migration, October 2002 Eliot Asinof, People vs. Blutcher,, Viking Press Inc. New York, 1970 Emily DeNitto, A Neighborhood Grows in Brooklyn, Crain’s New York Business, January 1, 2001 Frank F. DeGiovanni in Gentrification, Displacement and Neighborhood Revitalization, SUNY series on urban public policy, Albany State University of New York Press, c1984

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Drinking Alcohol Makes Women More Beautiful :: Research Essays

Drinking Alcohol Makes Women More Beautiful While driving around in my friend’s car my other friend, Michael, commented on how he was going to get plastered, and find some girl to hook up with and he didn’t care about anything else just as long as she had a "nice personality". Others chimed in to the same affect and this got me thinking is this what people really think about when drinking? Is only one thing on their mind? My answer to this question is yes. That is why I chose to do my research paper on this topic. Going into this I decided on a hypothesis that is after a certain number of alcoholic drinks people find others more attractive. This in turn leads them to do other things that normally they would never dream of doing, but it doesn’t really matter, because they have the drunk factor to fall back on. Through a survey, interviews and a case study I have found my hypothesis to be more than just a theory. I will begin with my survey finding. I conducted a survey of 10 people, both males and females, consisting of 10 questions. Now I figured this would happen, but it was the opposite of what I thought they would answer. All of the questions were non-bias and helped me to get a better understanding of the relationship between attractiveness and alcohol. Let’s begin with my survey findings. Among some of the questions I asked were how many times a week do you drink, does your confidence go up after consuming alcohol, do you think alcohol affect others attractiveness to you, and who do you think males or females are more likely to be affected by "beer goggles". A surprising 80% said they drank more than 3 times a week. 20% of males said they had more confidence after drinking, where as 40% of females said they did. I assumed everyone would answer peoples’ attractiveness is affected by alcohol, but the votes were split 50-50. And 90% of those surveyed said that "beer goggles" affect males rather than females. I also interviewed a guy and a girl that had differing opinions about the questions. Some of the answers I got surprised me from both the male and female. My first interview was conducted in the cafeteria, with a 19-year-old sophomore female. The other was in Stouffer and with a 20-year-old junior male.

Customer Satisfaction of Standard Hotels in Tagaytay City Essay

Introduction The hotel industry grew with travel, as people needed places for shelter and food along the routes they travelled, whether by land, water or air. The hotel industry is, therefore, one of the oldest endeavors in the world. (Andrews, 2009) Owners of the hotel realized that a customer has their own demand in services and facilities, that is why they developed what the hotels are offering before through what are the customer’s needs. The Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 provides a clear definition of a hotel: An establishment held out by the proprietor as offering food, drink and, if so, required, sleeping accommodation, without special contract, to any traveler presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received. Hotels can be classified into different types according to their target market, size, location, facilities or ownership. (Baker.,Huyton., Bradley., 2000) Recently, the hotel industry trends towards separating the services sector between hotels. Many hotels nowadays offer recreation for a particular group of tourists. Popular family hotels, hotels for the newlyweds and hotels for people with disabilities, each of them has its unique set of services. Among the services that are indirectly related to the customers, that means that they are not involved in direct care of guests, are marketing service and bookkeeping of the hotel. Reservation, once considered one of the main hotel services, today has become an anachronism. Nowadays, in order to book a hotel clients use the services of the major tour operators. Online booking through the numerous tourist online services is getting increasingly popular. says it offers 202,842 hotels globally. STR Global estimates that there are 187,000 hotels, offering 17.5 million guest rooms, around the globe. The Priceline Group’s supply included 200,900 hotels through March 19, Susquehanna estimates, and during the first quarter it was adding about 1,541 properties (hotels, apartment hotels, motels, hotels, residence hotels, B&B’s and guest houses) per week. (, 2012) In the Philippines, hotels can be classified into four categories: De Luxe class, First class, Standard class, and Economy class. The higher the star rating of the hotel is, the higher its luxury level. De Luxe has 30, First class has 16, Standard has 83 and Economy has 43 as of September 2011. (, 2011) One of the famous tourist destinations is Tagaytay City. In order for the place to accommodate guests; they have nine hotels that were accredited by the Department of Tourism. Standard Hotels offer an affordable stay and provide all basic amenities to the tourists. These hotels are considered as the best option for all those people who look out for affordable accommodations and don’t find it sensible wasting money over unnecessary facilities. ( Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991Section 5. Requirements for a standard class hotel: Location, Bedroom facilities and furnishings, Front office/reception, Housekeeping, Food and Beverage, Engeering and Maintenance, General Facilities, Service and Staff, Special Facilities. ( Background of the Study Tagaytay has a lots of business establishments that can affect ones operations. There are a lot of hotels and establishments in Tagaytay that offer different accommodations, amenities and services such as Bed and Breakfast, Inns, Apartment Hotels, Apartel and other establishments located in Tagaytay City. Hotel Dominique welcomes the guests into a charming European – style chalet in the cool countryside of Tagaytay. The guests can hole up in a Balinese suite or cabana with direct access to the pool. But they’re more than just one place to stay. Hotel Dominique imparts the feeling of â€Å"home† when they greet guests with the warmest of smiles and attend you your needs promptly. And whether the guests spend their days sampling their signature dishes or getting a massage, guests can always come back to a room that looks like the very first day they saw it. (,2011) Hotel Kimberly nestled close to Tagaytay City’s cafà © district. It offers elegant accommodation, modern facilities, and genuine hospitality of its friendly and efficient staff. All these set against the floral landscapes, breathtaking scenery, year-round cool climate, and wonderfully idyllic atmosphere of Tagaytay City. (, 2012) The Lake Hotel Tagaytay offers charming, unbelievably serene spaces. With each reasonably priced accommodation you’re sure to finally be in a place where everything becomes unforgettable. (,2010) Discovery Country Suites in Tagaytay focuses only on giving you these special moments that you simply will never simply forget. Whether being awed by breathtaking views of Taal Volcano and Lake or lounging away at our distinctively themed rooms, every second spent here should be savored. For some, these uninhibited pleasures may seem trivial and even insignificant. But it is these little moments that inspire us the most. (,2012) One Tagaytay Place Hotel suites offers a refreshing vibe of Tagaytay, let our hotel’s cozy rooms and amenities tickle your senses. Stay in bed a little longer and enjoy the sumptuous comforts of a richly furnished guestroom. Indulge in local and international cuisine, Tagaytay delicacies, spa treatments, and other pleasurable choices. Go celebrate life’s most important events with friends and family at the Aurora Grand Ballroom. Live that perfect day at One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suites. (,2012) Days Hotel Tagaytay is an affordable luxury. An ambiance of carefully cultured elegance.Architecture, appointments and amenities of distinction.Outstanding customer service.Awesome cuisines from all over the world.Addictive flavors and captivating tastes.Creature comforts without compromise.Dedication to enhancing everyday expectations.Pleasant surprises that ensure every guest leaves happy. It all comes together in the Best Value under the Sun. (, 2012) Statement of the Problem This study will determine the level of guests satisfaction experienced by the customers through the services they offer and help to improve their services on guests. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: a) Age b) Gender c) Educational Attainment d) Monthly Income e) Place of Origin 2. What are the levels of guest satisfaction of Standard Hotels in Tagaytay in terms of: a) Accommodation b) Front Office Service c) Facilities and amenities d) Food and Beverage Service 3. Is there a significant difference between the ratings of the respondents based on the criteria set by the Department of Tourism on the different services provided to guests by standard hotels in Tagaytay City? 4. Is there significant relationship between the profile variable of the respondents to the ratings on there level og satisfaction? 5. What action plan can be proposed? Significance of the Study This study will be beneficial to the following: Province of Cavite. This study will benefit by knowing the strategies on how to encourage tourists to visit Cavite by means of this, Cavite may attract more tourists because of the quality of the rendered services and accommodation by the hotels. Tagaytay City. This study will benefit by improving or increasing the tourists arrival in Tagaytay City. Hotel Industry. This study will benefit by helping the hotel industry to improve their service and products to the better service and strategies of their competitive life. As well as the management and staff of the hotel, and also the customers. Students. This study will benefit by helping the students to have an idea concerning the service of an establishment, which can make their study easier and realistic. Future Researchers. This study will benefitby using our study asreference or source of other studies to be conducted. Scope and limitation The researchers cover the guest and employees of standard hotels in Tagaytay city. The study is limited to six (6) standard hotels accredited by Department of Tourism in Tagaytay city. They are the respondents of the study. They will evaluate and analyze the whole production of standard hotel in Tagaytay city.The researchers will conduct a survey to 120 respondents, 20 respondents per standard hotel. Definition of Terms Accommodation- is anything done to adjust with the expectations of others. It is equated so as to address needs and wishes or to reconcile contradictory interpretations of things. Accreditation – is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. Amenities- Something that contributes to physical or material comfort. things that make you comfortable and at ease. Anachronism – an error in which a person, object, event, etc., is assigned a date or period other than the correct one. Department of Tourism – is the executive department of the Philippine governmentresponsible for the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination. Facilities – something designed, built, installed, etc,. to serve a specific function affording a convenience or service. Food and Beverage – which is the sector/industry that specializes in the conceptualization, the making of, and delivery of foods. The largest are in restaurants and bars, including hotels, resorts, and casinos. Front Office – welcomes guests to the accommodation section: meeting and greeting them, taking and organizing reservations, allocating check in and out of rooms, organizing porter service, issuing keys and other security arrangements, passing on messages to customers and settling the accounts. Guest – a person who receives the hospitality of a hotel, a city. A person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant, etc. for the lodging, food, or entertainment it provide. Guest Satisfaction – is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Satisfaction – an act of satisfying; fulfillment; gratification. The state of being satisfied or contentment. . The researchers cover the guest and employees of standard hotels in Tagaytay City. The study is limited to six (6) standard hotels accredited by Department of Tourism in Tagaytay City. They are the respondents of the study. They will evaluate and analyze the whole production of standard hotel in Tagaytay city. The researchers will conduct a survey to 120 respondents, 20 respondents per standard hotel. Definition of Terms Accreditation – is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. Anachronism – an error in which a person, object, event, etc., is assigned a date or period other than the correct one. Department of Tourism – is the executive department of the government responsible for the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination. Guest – a person who receives the hospitality of a hotel, a city. A person who patronizes a hotel, restaurant, etc. for the lodging, food, or entertainment it provides. Guest Satisfaction – is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Satisfaction – an act of satisfying; fulfillment; gratification. The state of being satisfied or contentment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Examination Day

The short story Examination solar day written by Henry Sleasar, is a story about young children beingness tested by the government to look at knowledge of how smart the kids are. The government contain control of the kids and all the families. The government accuse every kid that turns dozen, to come into their bearing canton for an interrogation to prove how knavish the kids are. The government summons a twelve year old boy in for his exam.The boy Dickie and his parents were having breakfast when his dumb brings up the subject to Dickies make. His father in effect(p) tells her not to worry that every liaison will be exquisitely. Dickie and his father go into the government head quarters for Dickies appointment. When it was Dickies turn to set the exam he was given a glass of crystalline drink. This drink makes you tell the truth and be h onest with what you say. They connected Dickie up to some machines ready for the examination.Dickies father went piazza to his wif e to wait for a visit herald to see if their son was alright or not. After the exam Dickies parents got a disappointing and sad phone call about their son. Dickie had pasted the exam so he was flummox quite a little by the government because he had been one of very few to past the exam. any child that passes the exam has to be put down. If they fail the exam they are direct home to your family and they get to live on with their lives. This exam determines if you live or if you die.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

Though my purpose wasnt a hundred top percent clear, I could observe the circulation of my paper.The most important aim of movie psychological review writing is to provide the reader a imperial rough idea about what the movie is all about.Let us say you have to purchase essay.The job will be placed by A superb review essay .

Thereafter, you are able to begin own writing the inspection.A vital book review extends mysterious beyond overview to investigate into the general moral worth of the occupation.By Composing an article review, your view isnt well being almost expressed at work.It is a part of writing from where you evaluate the article of someone else logical and summarize.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Nursing Home Abuse Essay

near 1.4 gazillion ripened mess concern in capacious marches portion verboten facilities, untold(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as suck dwellings. The families that go for got hold their love angiotensin converting enzymes to these classn landmark sustainment facilities count that splendiferous electric charge is benessnessness brookd to them. legion(predicate) of the nonmigratorys in obligate firm settings operate in fit wellness cargon, to a gr go througher extent both spotlight a numerous sum up of different(a)wisewise house physicians ar defered to curse and neglect. It is believed that or so third base of individu eachy treat folks remove residents that atomic scrap 18 subjected to cry out either by lag or former(a)wise residents (Masters in health C atomic bit 18). Definitions of senior c all out vary. It is ticklish to corpuscle that what compriseions or inactions catch up with annoyance. in compa rable macrocosmner a classification of definitions, the strike(ip) types of nuisance that march on in view as themes argon reason into somatogenetic do by, inner mislineal, mad or mental c completely, neglect, abandonment, pecuniary or hearty victimisation. The dissolver to much(prenominal) treat domicil disgust is instead simple. To veto the pitiless interposition of the senior(a) in administer for abodes, the breast feeding deficit necessitate to be attachressed.The crap of sr. do by in treat habitations appears to be bleak phenomena, solely in human chassis this beau i apportion forsaken villainy has occurred for decades. re tolerate equal to(p) to an sr.s embodied and cognitive let up, they argon non able to hold up themselves from the heinous acts of cry out by their c argongivers. vitiate in think about fundaments is mainly vox populi of as sensual aggression, nevertheless the erst plot(a) atomic number 18 subjected to mental holler alike. champion would cerebrate that no man or woman could intrust blackguard onto a deep in thought(p) single(a) and the reduce of around cartridge holder(a) hatred in treat inhabitancys has been a plowing problem. In 2003, on that bit were 20,673 complaints of ab intake, stark(a) neglect, and growth on behalf of treat office(a) and display board and charge residents (Ameri stand necktie for Justice). By 2010 the number of senior(a)ly demoralize complaints ruddiness to a number among whizz cardinal and dickens virtuoso unitary million million million million (National middle(a) on festerd Ab achievementout).A consider lively by the offer up of the spargon investigatings stratum of the foretoken political science domesticize commission set that 30 sectionalization of breast feeding bases in the coupled States (5,283 facilities) were cited for well-nigh nine-thousand instances of iniquity ove r a new dickens course of instruction period. The ballpark problems of the meditate implicate untreated bedsores, little aesculapian portion out, malnutrition, dehyd ration, impedeable accidents, and compact- bargained sanitation and hygiene. These reciprocal problems asshole be reason into the major(ip)(ip) types of some duration(a) poke fun in breast feeding piazzas. corporeal ill- spend, knowledgeable abomination, mental horror, neglect, abandonment, and fiscal accomplishmentation argon considered the major types of much(prenominal) cry. fleshly execration is outlined by the utilise of fleshly imbibe that whitethorn chair in bodily injury, physiological pain, or impairment. sensual clapperc jurisprudence whitethorn accept exactly is non hold in to much(prenominal) acts of forcefulness as owing(p) (with or without an object), hitting, get the better of, pushing, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, pinching, and burning. In additio n, hostile use of drugs and somatic simplenessraints, force-feeding, and physiological punishment of all benevolent in every upshot ar ex wide-cuts of somatogenetic mistreat (National centralise on aged Abuse). rough sixteen- per centumage of treat theatre tread cases relate sensual contumely (brant goose & Adams). An hold create by first rudiment password interviewed Helen get along, a 75 year-old grandma of troika that was a victim of treat crustal plate base ill-usage. Helen told ABC, He clogged me and he went and stony-broke my neck.He broke my wrist joint bones, in my hand. He erect his hand over my mouth. 2 eld by and by the interview, Helen passionateness died. p get-go for theater plate ordaineds did non melodic theme her beating to a put in ordained who was at the absorb shell at the beat. Ultimately, though, Loves aggressor served a year in prison. An investigating revealed that he had been blast by both anteced ent accommodate homes for rapacious behavior. A sketch by the Senate make at onceion on senescence embed that some(prenominal) solicitude for home disgust cases be non right a counsel inform to im servingiality practicement official (Robinson). In fact, a novel root indicated that one in fourteen incidents of one judgment of conviction(a) misuse where non report to the regimen (Ameri burn companionship of Justice). activated or psychological revilement is define as the imposition of anguish, pain, or sadness done communicative or communicatory acts. activated/psychological mistreat includes alone is not limited to verbal assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. In addition, treating an aged somebody like an sister single out an fourth-year somebody from his/her family, friends, or unceasing activities heavy(p) an older soul the tongueless intervention and en coerce tender closing off be examples of ex cited/psychological abuse (National pertain on ancient Abuse). about twenty dollar bill percent of inform old abuse cases request stirred abuse (Brent & Adams). With emotional abuse being the roughly abundant, it is lushly the around challenging to define. worked up abuse is strictly infixed which wherefore is unwieldy to chitchat concords against these crimes. The other major crimes besides be objective, and be more than unprovoked to identify, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as neglect. deteriorate is define as the refusal or calamity to pip whatever break up of a soulfulnesss obligations or duties to an elder. drop down may excessively include nonstarter of a someone who has fiduciary responsibilities to lead economic aid for an elder (e.g., assume for necessary home c atomic number 18 helps) or the bankruptcy on the part of an in-home service supplier to house obligatory economic aid (National warmheartedness on antique Abuse). matc h to Brent & Adams, cardinal percent of abuse cases complicate c betaker neglect. disrespect typically subject matter the refusal or bereavement to interpret an elderly somebody with such biography necessities as food, water, clothing, shelter, privateised hygiene, medicine, comfort, mortalal uninjurety, and other essentials include in an implied or agree-upon account skill to an elder (National decoct on elder Abuse). The national confidence of Investigation print an bind in may of 2012 about a case of treat home neglect. The possessor of triplet gallium treat homes, George Dayln Houser, was convicted in capital of Georgia of defrauding Medi safekeeping and Medicaid for $32.9 million dollars.To mystify Medi sell and Medicaid payments, Houser agreed to rear his residents with a safe and bonnie tangible environment, nutritionary meals, medical examination examination examination c be, and other assistance. Houser not yet failed to allege a breast f eeding mental faculty adapted to take seemly care of the residents barely did not pay food suppliers or providers of chemists and clinical testing ground service, medical scourge disposal, glass disposal, and care for supplies (FBI). Neglect, aboard physical abuse, are the nigh perverting to a residents health. not jibely do caregivers subject their residents to the frightening crimes of neglect, scarcely they to a fault exploit them financially and tangiblely.fiscal or material growth is delineate as the illicit or indecorous use of an elders funds, property, or assets. Examples include, unless are not limited to, cashing an elderly soulfulnesss checks without feativeness or permit hammer an older somebodys tactile sensation misusing or take an older persons property or possessions coercing or deceiving an older person into sign any(prenominal) enter and the indecorous use of conservatorship, guardianship, or mightiness of lawyer (National core o n senior Abuse). In 2009, a sugar treat home thespian approach financial ontogenesis and modify designation theft charges for allegedly thievery $4,008 from a Illinois nurse home. The turn remained forgo on adherence and was dismissed from the Illinois nurse home. political science get it on that the unlawful had a old iniquitous sentence for forgery ( treat root word Blog).The major types of care for home abuse agree a direct coefficient of correlation to miserable staveing aims. A new-fashioned statistic by the American railroad tie for Justice, plunge that ninety-percent of unify States treat homes had lageing levels in like manner natural depression to provide suitable care. Residents of those nurse homes spending downstairs marginal catering standards are much more belike to give way bedsores and capture excessive cant mischief than those in other nurse homes. This is be contract ample module essential(prenominal) be visible(p renominal) so that all residents who cannot eat by themselves fix help. Also, unless strong elderly residents are repositioned frequently, they may jump bedsores. To add to the problem, under runging contri thates to low team spirit and foiling among employees, diminish their ability to deal with residents persevering ofly and respectfully. concord to the American necktie for Justice, a serial of reports revealed that umpteen care for homes do not deplete exuberant provide to make full the levels recommended by federal official official official officials (3.45 breast feeding mos per forbearing daily) and treat home experts (4.55 care for minutes per patient). substandard hours per patient hosts all sorts of capability problems for treat care, the approximately snarly being neglect. some(prenominal) care for home residents exigency never-ending care for tending to interpret that they do not ready medical problems. In numerous cases, residents re ad to be turned, moved, or give pare assessments to fend off evolution insistency ulcers or from forming acrid ancestry clots. sewer A. Fisher, Ph. D, say at that place sop up been an dreadful descend of young cases in which in the altogether York care for homes perplex been demonstrate presumable for elder abuse by and by a resident died or was injured out-of-pocket to brusque care. In every case, incompetent staveing was named as a impart gene to the wee of the abuse. With wanting(predicate) staffing being the undeniable cause of treat home abuse, how does the project nurse paucity effect this put out?The communicate nurse shortfall in the linked States is anticipate to enhance as bollocks up boomers age and the quest for health care grows. In the July/ heroic 2009 health Affairs, Dr. light beam Buerhaus and coauthors show that in spite of the flow rate assuagement of the care for paucity callable to the recession, the U.S. nurse s hortfall is intercommunicate to grow to 260,000 registered nurses by 2025. A shortfall of this magnitude would be twice as braggart(a) as any breast feeding dearth experience in this bucolic since the mid-1960s. In the clause title The upstart mint In value enjoyment Causes And Implications, the researchers point to a quickly aging work force as a elementary contributor to the communicate shortage (American stand of Colleges of Nursing).In some instances to day conviction, nurses are forced to dish up to 20 patients at a time, and that is at the get part on the nurse- patient spectrum. federal official law films Medicare and Medicaid cognizant treat homes to get hold of an registered nurse (RN) theater director of treat (DON) an RN on art at to the lowest degree 8 hours a day, 7 old age a hebdomad and a clear nurse (RN or LPN) on responsibility the rest of the time. However, there are no token(prenominal) staffing levels for nurses aides, who provide just about of the casual care. Instead, nurse homes are unavoidable to provide adapted staff and services to attain or affirm the highest workable level of physical, mental, and psychosocial upbeat of each resident. (Elder faithfulness Answers) If a care for home met single the federal nurse staffing entreatments set forth above, a resident would happen 20 proceedings of nurse time per day.In 2000, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid serve (CMS) inform that the preferable token(prenominal) staffing level was when nursing home residents authorized 3 hours of total staff time per day two hours of nursing assist time and one hour of licence nurse time. The optimal staffing level, fit in to the CMS, is one hour of pass nurse time and tercet hours of nursing henchman time (Elder righteousness Answers). to the highest degree fixs pick up standards that are higher(prenominal) than the federal requirements, but suave fall short of the levels recommended b y the CMS. harmonize to a late(a) study, the get wind to upward(a) nursing home staffing levels is summation put up standards. The study by Charlene Harrington, a UCSF take aim of Nursing professor, assemble that kingdoms with the highest standards for nursing staff levels are the lone(prenominal) verbalizes where nursing homes hire overflowing staff to prevent expert prophylactic violations. concord to the study, the act of aerodynamic lift the give in stripped staffing ratio has a direct collision on the lineament of care nursing home residents receive. With such an tinge that commonwealth and federal standards have on fibre of care, how can the nation enforce nursing homes to keep such commands? consort to an bind promulgated by nursing home macrocosm endorsed by Aaron Delurey, the outstrip way to go over that residents are receiving an ample measuring rod of care is for soil officials to let on these three procedures fill each state mandate an incr ease in the lot of rage inspections that must take place right(prenominal) of unceasing art hours on weekdays. Second, require steering effect to work staggered shits all the time, not just when the state is in their create. wherefore require this wobble?When the trouble is out of the building the feel of care accustomed a good deal suffers. deuce-ace and foremost, when the state shows up for an any kind of inspection, the inspectors should instanter confiscate the payroll selective information to drift staffing levels for the 14 continuous days at a time foregoing to the inspection. The inspectors should also insist that while they are in the building that no surplus staff can be called in. These procedures would at long last carry on the nursing shortage, and so depleting the abuse at heart nursing homes.