Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Group therapy orination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Group therapy orination - Essay Example The American military in World War II also used group methods to treat large numbers of psychiatric causalities. Behavioral theory or behavior modification is the treatment of human behavioral disorders through reinforcement of the desired behaviors and suppression of undesirable behavior. This therapy has its roots with Pavlov but became a developed technique in the United States by B. F. Skinner. He used positive or negative re-enforcers to encourage desirable behavior and punishments to deter undesirable behavior. Originally, behavioral therapy groups worked with anger management and addiction (Ockrnik 2003). One of the specific types of Behavioral group therapy that came out in the 1960s was originally written by Marsha Linehan. This may be the most well known kind of behavioral therapy today. Originally, she developed a program, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), for patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. In the beginning, it appeared to be quite effective and it was adapted to many other type of diagnosis. This writer will look at how effective this therapy turned out to be over the long term as well as the effectiveness of several other new innovations in group therapy. Behavior therapy in groups can be recognized by its emphasis on specifying problems and goals in concrete behavioral terms and in using principles of learning to facilitate behavioral change. Since it is generally assumed that therapy is a learning process, then there are some advantages in group therapy. Much of our learning comes through imitation also there are others to imitate. It is also known that learning takes place more quickly when the individual has something in common with the people around him/her. A group of peers would then be ideal for that purpose. Also adaptive behavior is strengthened when reinforced by peers. Finally, the stimulus situation is closer to natural social

Monday, October 28, 2019

Comparison of Networking Feature of Linux and Microsoft Essay Example for Free

Comparison of Networking Feature of Linux and Microsoft Essay 1.0 Comparing Networking Features of Linux Microsoft. Microsoft * Next Generation TCP/IP Stack: this networking feature of windows is available for â€Å"Windows Server 2008† and â€Å"Windows Vista†. It is a â€Å"complete redesign of TCP/IP functionality for both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) that meets the connectivity and performance needs of todays varied networking environments and technologies.† Joe Davies (2008) * Server Message Block 2.0 (SMB): this networking feature of windows is also available for both â€Å"Windows Server 2008† and â€Å"Windows Vista†. It can also be termed as the â€Å"Common Internet File System (CIFS)†. It is used on widows-based computers as a default file sharing protocol. SMB supports: * â€Å"Sending multiple SMB commands within the same packet. This reduces the number of packets sent between an SMB client and server. * Much larger buffer sizes compared to SMB 1.0. * Increases the restrictive constants within the protocol design to allow for scalability. Examples include an increase in the number of concurrent open file handles on the server and the number of file shares that a server can have. * Supports durable handles that can withstand short interruptions in network availability. * Supports symbolic links.† Joe Davies (2008) * Windows Firewall: the windows firewall for the versions â€Å"Windows Server (2008)† and â€Å"Windows Vista† has support for filtering of incoming and outgoing traffic. It also has integrated settings for firewall filtering and Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC). * Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 6.0: this â€Å"specifies a standard interface between kernel-mode network drivers and the operating system. NDIS also specifies a standard interface between layered network drivers, abstracting lower-level drivers that manage hardware from upper-level drivers, such as network transports.† Joe Davies (2008). Linux * Samba: this networking feature of â€Å"Linux† is a file and printer sharing service. It is based on the SMB protocol developed by â€Å"Windows†. Samba allows â€Å"Linux† to act as a SMB client or server. * The inetd Super Server: this is a special network daemon run on â€Å"Linux† applications in order to overcome certain inefficiencies of network daemons. It â€Å"creates sockets on behalf of a number of services and listens on all of them simultaneously. When an incoming connection is received on any of these sockets, the super server accepts the connection and spawns the server specified for this port, passing the socket across to the child to manage. The server then returns to listening.† Dawson T. (2000). * The tcpd Access Control Facility: this is a tool that is used to manage â€Å"host specific† access. â€Å"For TCP services you want to monitor or protect, it is invoked instead of the server program. Tcpd checks if the remote host is allowed to use that service, and only if this succeeds will it execute the real server program.† Dawson T. (2000). 1.1 Interoperability Features of Ubuntu with Microsoft Workstations. Interoperability is the function which allows a system to work with other systems that may be of different brand or have a different operating system. For organisations like â€Å"Rainham Indigo Bank† who wish to setup a networking environment to share files and printer, this is important as they wish to integrate a Linux based operating system to their current work environment which has a Windows based operating system. â€Å"Ubuntu†, the choice of Linux – based operating system, has an interoperability feature known as â€Å"Samba† that supplies the users with file and printer sharing for the Window workstations. states that â€Å"Samba is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. Samba is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Window s-based clients.† The bank can use this package to share printers and files between the Ubuntu server and Widows workstations. Another feature that â€Å"Ubuntu† offers is the ease of authentication. Authentication plays an important part as it helps computers on a network to recognise each another and allows for information to be shared. â€Å"Ubuntu Server† comes with â€Å"Open Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)†. This ensures that a shared directory service can be built if it is needed. Supported versions of Ubuntu Server come with â€Å"Likewise-Open†. This is used to integrate with the system using Microsoft Active Directory. Machines on Active Directory can be identified, share credentials and access resources with â€Å"Ubuntu† machines through the use of this software. Resources for Windows clients can easily be provided by â€Å"Ubuntu† servers without an additional security burden. 1.2 Installing Ubuntu and configuring network services for Windows and Linux for file sharing and printing. â€Å"Ubuntu† Installation. After â€Å"Ubuntu† was installed, â€Å"Samba† was downloaded and configured. It was installed through the terminal command using this command: â€Å"sudo apt-get install samba samba-command†. Configuring network settings. Ubuntu accessed via Microsoft. Sharing folders on the network. File manager opened to allow for folder sharing. Sharing folder on Windows from Ubuntu. Shared folder in Microsoft. 1.3 Linux Distribution Costs. Performance The cost associated with the performance is related to the hardware of the â€Å"Ubuntu† server as the server’s performance will be as good as the hardware installed on it. The performance of the server depends on the type of memory installed and how much of it, the brand of the processor as well as its type i.e. single – core, dual – core etc, the processor speed will also play a part in this as well as the motherboard installed and the PCI connectors and serial buses installed.. â€Å"Ubuntu† server process threads often make use of physical resources. High performance can be achieved from relatively low hardware requirements on this server. Therefore, the cost of performance associated with the â€Å"Ubuntu† server is expected to be low. Security Once the â€Å"Ubuntu† server is hardened, it has a low risk of attacks from viruses, remote procedure calls and buffer overflows. Standard installation of â€Å"Ubuntu† has a ready – to – use hardened operating system. Therefore, no additional cost will be needed to implement additional security protection such as anti-virus, firewalls, anti-spyware etc. This is because most security mechanisms are pre-installed or can be installed freely thereby allowing this cost to be low. Support Support for the â€Å"Ubuntu† software can only be obtained from the â€Å"Ubuntu† community, developers and enthusiasts as there are no formal support arrangements available from the vendor. Significant cost will be incurred in order to train staff to use of the server and experienced consultants may be required for support for cases of server downtime or repair. Maintenance Maintenance of the server may incur significant costs as well. This is because only skilled and trained personnel can conduct routine maintenance and maintain the maximum uptime of the server that is required. The maintenance cost of hardware can vary depending on the hardware. From a software perspective, the costs will include maintenance from skilled personnel to upkeep and patch the software as needed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Understanding the Ten Commandments :: Religion

The Ten Commandments have been a subject matter of a large amount of controversy. Several do not beyond doubt understand its significance. A number of people believe that it should not be practiced today whereas others have a strong conviction that it should be. Although these Ten Commandments have been a obscurity for society it is possible to understand its true meaning. To accomplish this we must understand the Ten Commandments origin. Of course, we need to understand their main purpose, where they are found, who they were for, and how they relate to us today. So that we can embark on our analysis of the Ten Commandments we ought to commence with their derivation. As we take a look the Ten Commandments can be found in the Bible, in Exodus chapter 20. There we determine the purpose of these Ten Commandments. When the Israelites are freed from Egypt by Jehovah or God, Jehovah gives Moses some six hundred laws for the Israelites to live by. The reason for these laws was so they can be reminded daily of being sinners. From Mountain Sinai, an angel of Jehovah conveyed orally the commandments, ten of which are most commonly known, located in Exodus 20: 1-17. Later on, Moses went up to Mountain Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, written on two pieces of stone, and other commandments and instructions. These laws were a pact between Jehovah and his people. Using Moses as a mediator between them, he provided these laws that would guide them and protect them in every field of their lives. While they would maintain loyal and obedient to him, he would be by their side and use them to bless other nations to come. Sadly enough, as we continue to read in the bible, while Moses long forty day stay on the mountain, the people of Israel grew impatient and made a statue to worship. When Moses descended from the Mountain and saw the sight of idolatry, he destroyed the two pieces of stone with the Ten Commandments. Obviously, by their actions, the vast majority of the Israelites did not have trust or faith in Jehovah. As punishment, Jehovah obligated them to journey across the desert for forty years. However, better times did come subsequent to their blunder. Although today some do know the history of the Ten Commandments and know some information about it, they do not understand how it relates to them in current times.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Our Biggest Enemies Is Always Ourselves

Our biggest enemies is always ourselves People work long hours because they fear poverty. People eat too much because they fear starvation. People get married because they fear being alone and so on. On balance, we always fear something, but fear never does. We needn’t fear to disappear completely because some degree of caution is to avoid tragedy. While I was thinking about my fear of heights, I couldn't climb high enough. When I thought about a necessary cleaning job, I had motivation and so on.But, one day, when I realized that it was not fear of heights, I was able to climb where I needed to go. And I shine a light on that shadow of fear by finding a motivator to focus on instead of my fear. When we focus on fear, on the shadows, all we see are the shadows. If we look for the light or turn on a light ourselves, the shadows disappear, or at least lessen greatly. Fear is entirely imposed on ourselves by ourselves. Rarely is fear imposed on us. Even in movies and at theme par ks we choose to frighten ourselves.We need to be as determined and as vigilant about freeing ourselves from our adopted fear. And for this, say to ourselves â€Å"I am not afraid of this and I can do this. I am taking control of myself. â€Å"Repeat it until it becomes a part of your being. And a few times before you do what you must do and what you were afraid to do. Be sure you have motivation for doing it first. You can think about your motivator as you do whatever caused you to fear before. Just do it! Then be proud of yourself. You have overcome the most powerful enemy you will ever have.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Living downstream essay Essay

The toxic century refers a history of events in how mankind has polluted the environment and even our own bodies. This was done using harmful chemicals and toxins through a variety of military and industrial practices. Even now if we eat healthy, exercise and live the most innocent lives, you can come under attack from this invisible enemy, simply by existing on this planet. What caused this? Of the 200 organic chemicals known to cause breast cancer in animals 203 are manmade and 9 are natural. This stat shows us that we created a toxic environment. Wilhelm Hueper who we learned about in class said The majority of human cancers are traceable to environmental exposures and therefore potentially preventable† â€Å"Why did we do this to ourselves? After each World War, numerous military plus industrial practices and technologies have introduced a series of new chemicals into our bodies and damaged the environment we call home. This led to many diseases such as cancer or †¢Itai itai byÃ…  †¢(ouch ouch sickness) the toxic century is a by-product of rapid industrialization due to war. Sandra Steingraber wrote the book living downstream about her experiences with cancer and chemicals. In it she details the wars in playing an active role in the toxic century and in her words† changed chemistry and physics forever.† After each world war the need for each country trying to rapidly industrialize in order to beat other countries was so important that common sense was not present. Countries decided to forgo safety checks in order to make sure their products were more effective. As a result, many chemicals such as chorine, DDT (used as an insect repellant in the war) and PCB’s were released in society for commercial use. DDT in particular was linked to cancer and hurt wildlife in the areas it was released. Chorine was used in the war as a biological weapon was very effective and fatal against enemies. After the war, chorine was released in cleaning products, medicines and agriculture. They used propaganda and the ignorance of the people in order to sell the products. It was a time where western society was obsessed with cleanliness, they would give up anything to have it in their homes. First it was health issue & economic industry, soon it became a desirable convenience & cultural norm. The cold war was created as a by-product of the two world wars. After World War 2, countries have found a new untested technology known as nuclear bombs. This led to the invention nuclear power where countries started generating power from nuclear sources. The problem of this is nuclear accidents. At least 6 of the biggest nuclear accidents have been recorded. Chalk river in Canada being one and the most recent one in Fukushima, Japan. Nuclear fallout results in cancerous carcinogens being released into the environment. The effects of which are not felt until years and years later. This is not allof the negative effects, more importantly, a state of fear was created in society. An example was given in lecture about a town that was near a nuclear plant. When an explosion occurred in the plant, the people fled thousands of miles away. The mayor only recommend a few people leave and just a few miles away. This shows you the state of mind, these people were in after hearing about other nuclear meltdowns. On the positive side, it shows that people understand the dangers of the toxic century and things like this will not be endorsed by the people in the future. Sandra Steingrabber advised at the end of her book that we should use the precautionary principal in our daily lives. That we should act to prevent and not the other way around. One can only imagine what would have happened if we testing chemicals before using them commercially or simply not using them at all. One could argue that we gained so much as a society thanks to the inventions that came along because of these chemicals but can we truly weigh human lives against that? Only in learning about the toxic century like any other piece of history, can we prevent future situations similar to the one we are in.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Paradox of American Power

In the book, The Paradox of American Power, Joseph Nye, discusses American power and influence from a global level of analysis. Moreover, Nye explains America’s challenges as a major player in an ever-changing world. There are many factors Nye refers to regarding America’s role in the game of world dominance. Many are obvious, but some are not so obvious. Nye refers to power as the ability to effect the outcomes you want, and if necessary, to change the behavior of others to make this happen (4). According to Nye there are three types of power. The first two are military power and economic power. These are examples of hard command power, which the government has a good amount of control over. The third is a phenomenon in which government has very little control over called soft power. Soft power can be summarized as influence gained by the â€Å"attractiveness† of a country. All of these qualities can be characterized on a micro-social evel. When you were growing up you can remember the kid that had influence because he had a great deal of money, he had a big house to play in and many toys to play with. While your parent’s idea of a fun day was a trip to the park, which was free, his was a trip to Disneyland or Six Flags. Then there was the school bully, his influence stemmed from fear of getting beat up. T he third was the kid who was just plain cool. He was the funny guy who carried himself well. His influence came from the fact that people wanted to be like him. All of the three characters in this analogy have power and influence, but all in different forms. Soft power, although not entirely apparent, plays a great deal in the international food chain of power. Nye refers to this aspect of power as â€Å"getting others to want what you want† (9). He goes on to say â€Å"soft power rests on the ability to set the political agenda in a way that shapes the preferences of others.† The idea of soft power i... Free Essays on The Paradox of American Power Free Essays on The Paradox of American Power In the book, The Paradox of American Power, Joseph Nye, discusses American power and influence from a global level of analysis. Moreover, Nye explains America’s challenges as a major player in an ever-changing world. There are many factors Nye refers to regarding America’s role in the game of world dominance. Many are obvious, but some are not so obvious. Nye refers to power as the ability to effect the outcomes you want, and if necessary, to change the behavior of others to make this happen (4). According to Nye there are three types of power. The first two are military power and economic power. These are examples of hard command power, which the government has a good amount of control over. The third is a phenomenon in which government has very little control over called soft power. Soft power can be summarized as influence gained by the â€Å"attractiveness† of a country. All of these qualities can be characterized on a micro-social evel. When you were growing up you can remember the kid that had influence because he had a great deal of money, he had a big house to play in and many toys to play with. While your parent’s idea of a fun day was a trip to the park, which was free, his was a trip to Disneyland or Six Flags. Then there was the school bully, his influence stemmed from fear of getting beat up. T he third was the kid who was just plain cool. He was the funny guy who carried himself well. His influence came from the fact that people wanted to be like him. All of the three characters in this analogy have power and influence, but all in different forms. Soft power, although not entirely apparent, plays a great deal in the international food chain of power. Nye refers to this aspect of power as â€Å"getting others to want what you want† (9). He goes on to say â€Å"soft power rests on the ability to set the political agenda in a way that shapes the preferences of others.† The idea of soft power i...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on cencorship in society

when he gets hurt (Hochman 29). Parents and other adults play a great role in a young person's upbringing, so it is not surprising that children imitate their guardians' actions. Growing up without a role model forces a child to look for other sources to imitate. Although television has role models for children to admire, most of them are not beneficial for them. Unfortunately, this does not stop them from imitating the behaviors of these "role models." Profanity has even become enterta... Free Essays on cencorship in society Free Essays on cencorship in society Censorship in Society The United States Constitution gives Americans many rights. One of those rights is the freedom of speech. A controversy has erupted in the United States because the government is unable to determine the limitations on this right. "In early America, when our forefathers wrote the Constitution, profanity was not accepted" (Shoeder 72). This statement makes determining the true definition of "speech" difficult. Many people believe profanity is an acceptable form of language. These people feel that they are free to say what they want because of their freedom of speech. These people should begin to consider the rights of others. Due to this insensitivity, a child can have a hard time walking down a street without hearing offensive words. Parents are expected to explain and make excuses for the vocabulary being used by others. Profanity has become out of control, and has had a great role in the moral decay of our society. A main goal for parents and government officials should be the regulation of profanity in the United States. Adults are formed through the experiences of their childhoods. The way a person acts and speaks is often determined by what they were around at a young age. When a parent uses profanity, a child may feel free to use these words too. For instance, a mother may not intentionally use profanity when cutting her finger while in the kitchen. As a result of the mother's action, a child may use the same words when he gets hurt (Hochman 29). Parents and other adults play a great role in a young person's upbringing, so it is not surprising that children imitate their guardians' actions. Growing up without a role model forces a child to look for other sources to imitate. Although television has role models for children to admire, most of them are not beneficial for them. Unfortunately, this does not stop them from imitating the behaviors of these "role models." Profanity has even become enterta...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write the Best About Us Page (50 Examples and a Template)

How to Write the Best About Us Page (50 Examples and a Template) What’s the first page you read when you find a new company and want to learn their story? If you’re like a lot of folks, it’s the  company’s about us page. Those pages, usually found in the footer navigation on most business sites, are powerful pieces of an effective website content strategy. However, they’re sometimes overlooked, too. When they’re written well, they can help your company show off its personality, differentiate itself from the competition, and leave a positive impression on potential customers. So, why ignore those potential benefits when you can do it right and reap the rewards? That’s exactly what this post will show you how to do. Here’s a quick summary of what you’ll find: What separates quality About pages from ones that are uninspired. Tons of real-life examples. A step-by-step process for writing a page of your own. Plus, you’ll get a free template to expedite your process. About : Is your marketing team struggling to get organized? Learn how to fire makeshift marketing with , the industrys leading marketing management platform. How to Write the Best About Us Page With 50 Examples and a Free Template via @ Table of Contents About Us Page Template What is an About Us Page? Page Placement Why Are These Pages Important? Five Pages That Got It Right 45 Reals Writing an About Us Page in 7 Steps Figure Out What Your Page Will Include Create a Project Checklist Write Your Mission Statement Explain What You Do Map Out Your Company History Incorporate Your Values Include Visual Elements Download Your Free About Us Page Template Writing your page will most likely start with a simple Word doc. So, rather than create one from scratch, why not snag this free template instead? It lays out fields for everything you’ll need to hand over to a developer to get your page created. Download it now, then learn how to put it to use in this post. Awesome news! Youre invited to a 1on1 marketing demo of ! In 30 mins or less, you can see howtoWhat is an About Us Page? In simplest terms, it’s a page on your website that explains what your business does. That sounds straightforward enough, right? Sure, it does. But, because of this, they’re occasionally treated like nondescript pieces of content, created to fulfill a requirement on a checklist. That’s selling those pages short, though. Get it right, and they go from a line item no one looks at, to an essential element of telling your company’s story. Approached this way, they’re: Useful pieces of your site. Essential pages for establishing who you are and what you’re about. Worth spending time on to get right.Where Should These Pages Be Located? Generally, they’re found in website footers: Why Are These Pages Important? Every company claims to have core values and some kind of differentiator that makes them different than other companies out there. But, no other company on Earth shares your exact story, or your specific reason for being in business in the first place. Conveying that difference and giving people a reason to care about you more than your competition can make the difference between someone making a one-time purchase and forgetting who you are, to becoming a loyal brand advocate. Certainly, that’s a lot of weight to put on one website page, and it takes more than just one page to become a beloved brand (like having a good product and an actual mission, things no amount of content can cover up). But, they do help, and they’re great because they let you put that story front and center. Taking a Look at Five About Pages That Got it Right So, what exactly do these pages look like when they’re done well? To give you some ideas, here are some samples to check out. There are all different types of companies represented too, from simple-yet-effective designs, to more complex examples. Home Depot Hardware store chain Home Depot’s example here is straightforward, yet infuses strong imagery and the brand’s voice and tone well to rise above being generic. For example, rather than a basic â€Å"About Home Depot† headline, it works in language that appeals to their brand (being built from â€Å"right materials,† an appropriate allusion for a hardware store). Toyota One small touch to take away from Toyota is considering putting people front and center, rather than products, on these pages (they’re about the people that make up your company, as much as they’re about what you make or sell, after all). Plus, the simple navigation bar works well to make it easy to move around the page, too: Dashlane Password manager and security solutions provider Dashlane uses their page to not only talk about what they do, but to actually demonstrate their impact using hard data: Saucony Shoe and apparel manufacturer Saucony steps things up a notch with some striking design work and powerful visuals: As you scroll down the page, it animates between chapters with different pieces of the brand’s story and history (note the chapter navigation tabs at the bottom): If you have access to a skilled web development team with the time and resources to build something like this, the extra effort is well worth it. Penguin Random House When you first visit this page from Penguin Random House, you’ll find a tiled layout linking to multiple pages: This works well because it makes it easy for readers to find exactly what they’re looking for (which might include anything from their company story to open job listings). Recommended Reading: How to Write a Powerful Case Study That Converts Leads Into Customers With 50 Examples and 7 Templates 45 More Reals of the Best About Us Pages Around If you’d like to scope out even more samples, browse through the list below and click on any brand names that sound interesting. There’s a wide range of industries, companies, and websites. Nike Google Microsoft Threadless The New York Times Adobe Amazon Twitter IKEA Spotify Sweetwater BMW Slack Sony Samsung Mod Cloth Stitcher Capital One Canonical   (hey, that’s us!) Vox Zappos G2 Crowd Zazzle Redbubble UCLA Knock Knock Museum of Modern Art Intel HP Intuit Electronic Arts MailChimp Funko SEGA Revlon Wikipedia Mozilla Automattic Toggl Target Evernote New York and Company GAP Pinterest What do effective about us pages look like? Check out these 45 examples, curated by @ Writing Your Own About Us Page in 7 Steps So, how do you make your own story stand out? Start by following this simple process from start to finish. What your ultimately able to create may be contingent upon your available design and development resources. But, one thing that’s totally in your control as a marketer is to make sure your written content is on point. Step 1: Figure Out Everything Your Page Will Include It’s easy to start writing before you have a clear plan, thinking you can wing it, and still get it done efficiently. This is a mistake. Working without some sort of plan or outline means you’ll be liable to miss details, waste time, and create a lower-quality page. So, figure out the following first: Which sections will your page require? Some common pieces include your mission statement, a brief company description, corporate history, and core values. Who might you need to talk to for more information?  Track down subject matter experts and anyone with a long tenure at your company who might be able to help fill in information you’ll need. Set up some meeting times on your company calendar. How will you create graphics?  If you have a design team, this question is answered for you. If you’re on your own, you may need to figure out what you can do on your own. Recommended Reading: Website Content Template: How to Get Content Right the First Time, Every Time Step 2: Create a Project Checklist The team at never starts a project without a checklist. They’re the best way to make sure nothing gets missed on any project or piece of content. Before moving forward, list all the steps you’ll need to complete when creating your page. Some things to consider include: Research time. Gathering existing copy (like documented mission statements and core values, if you have them already). Writing an outline. Crafting on-page copy. Designing graphics. Proofing and editing. Publishing the page. One way to create a simple checklist is to use Google Sheets, Excel, or Evernote. customers can also create them using Tasks and Task Templates. These make it possible to create reusable project checklists, built right into your team’s marketing management platform. Start by creating a new project on the calendar and select your desired content type (such as a WordPress page, article, or other label of your choosing): Next, start listing your required tasks: Click +Schedule  to specify deadlines for each one: Now, when each item is checked off, you’ll see the progress percentage bar tick up: When looking at the full calendar, you’ll see this reflected there as well: This makes it easy to track your progress (and see how your concurrent projects are progressing too, all in one place). Recommended Reading: How to Easily Plan Copy for an Entire Website the Best Way Step 3: Start With Your Mission Statement More and more these days, people want to buy from companies they believe in. It’s not always enough to just churn out a product and put it in front of people. Rather, in many industries (particularly things like apparel and food), customers want to feel like they’re buying into a movement that says something about themselves. For an example, think of a company like Toms of Maine. They make things like toothpaste and deodorant, products where there’s no shortage of competition, and plenty of options available for price-conscious consumers. But, unlike most of those alternatives, Tom’s of Maine has a unique mission: to create products that are safe to use without potentially harmful side effects to the environment or yourself. In fact, they were founded explicitly because co-founders Tom and Kate Chappell wanted natural hygiene products for their family, and weren’t satisfied with what was on the market. Here’s a look at their exact mission statement today: Your company might not have such a grandiose mission. But, you almost certainly have a reason for existing, even if you’re selling something as otherwise ordinary as toothpaste. Recommended Reading: How to Create a Marketing Strategy That Will Skyrocket Your Results By 9,360% Step 4: Explain What You Do and Offer in More Detail Beyond why you do what you do, people need to know in clear terms what you actually create or sell. Some points to consider including: What exactly do you sell? How do your values and mission contribute to better quality products? How does that impact your customer’s day-to-day life using your stuff? Then, write to make people care. Even though this page is about you, it’s more about why people should buy from you. So, figure out the â€Å"why† behind your â€Å"what.† Follow these two points to do this: Instead of talking about selling products, talk about the solutions those products solve. Instead of focusing on your company, focus on how you help your customers. It’s as simple as that. Stick to those guiding rules and you’ll be well on your way to writing a page people will actually stop and read. Recommended Reading: How to Build the Best Editorial Style Guide in 10 Steps (Free Template) Step 5: Map Out Your Company History Sometimes to know where you’re going, it helps to know where you’ve been. One way to show this to your audience is to map out your company’s history. Not only does this help customers get to know your company better, it can help reinforce your brand authority if you’ve been around for some time. Here’s a simple example from Marshall Amplification: And here is an illustrated example from : To get started, follow these steps: Figure out your company’s key historical milestones. Set up interviews with internal stakeholders who might be able to help (CMOs, founders, and executives may be good contacts). Create an outline. Open up a doc and list them in chronological order. Write a quick blurb for each one. If you’ll be creating a company history graphic, keep each point punchy to keep the visual flow moving. For tools that can help you create visual timelines without (much) design or development assistance, check out the following: Timeline.js: Free and open-source tool for building interactive timelines. Piktochart: This freemium infographic design tool can be used to create timelines. Canva: Similar to Piktochart. Easy to use and offers tons of flexibility. Another option is to create a standalone company history page, and then link to it prominently from your About Us page. Recommended Reading: The Best Social Media Image Sizes Guide For Marketers Step 6: Incorporate Your Values Most companies have some sort of core values or principles. These are usually five or six points that guide your culture and business philosophy. These are often treated like something that’s pinned on the wall and forgotten, existing only because someone decided they needed to one day. But, when they’re thoughtfully crafted and ingrained into how your company operates, they can be powerful guideposts for how employees should approach their work, and your customers. For example, look at Ben and Jerry’s. Their values are core to everything they do, and they make them clear on their website: The page also includes an embedded YouTube video that helps communicate their mission and values: Note that not all of these values are directly related to making ice cream. But, they help people who buy their ice cream know their supporting a company that reflects their values too. That can be powerful for persuading people to buy and building long-term loyalty. Your values don’t necessarily need to be overtly political or world-changing in nature. And, if your company doesn’t have documented core values, this portion may need to be a project for another day. But, as long as you have some sort of purpose behind why you’re in business, you can incorporate that into your page. Recommended Reading: How to Overcome Makeshift Marketing: The Buyer's Guide Step 7: Include Visual Elements Finally, add in your visual design elements. This might include: Company photos. Designed graphics. Slide decks. Videos. If it’s visual, and it can help tell your story, why not include it? If you’ll need a designer to create graphics, be sure to give them clear direction. In the document you use to write your page, include notes formatted something like this: IMAGE TITLE: HEADLINE: DESCRIPTION: ON-IMAGE TEXT: This should give them enough to bring your idea to life. Go Rock Your About Us Page You’ve got examples to follow, an entire process and workflow laid out, and a template to get it all done. All that’s left is to do now is get down to work. Best of luck writing your page, and if you have questions or comments, please do share them below.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Book War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Book War - Essay Example The fact that her hair and shoulders were covered with frost, Ping concluded that she must have been there all night. This shows one of the effects the ban to reading had on young people. At first Ping thought that she was reading one of Mao’s books but later realizes that it was the story of Little Mermaid. He had wanted to read the book but only when he was able to read a book on his own, the revolution began and booked were termed as poisonous weed. The fact that the girl had disguised the book with a cover of Mao’s works shows how eager people were to read. She had felt the need to read the book but could not do that openly in fear of the government. This is one instance that shows how cruel the government’s decision was on those that really wanted to read. Ping and his neighbor decided to carry out a secret book exchange program. This emphasizes their determination to keep reading despite threats form the government. Ping later discovers a box of books that his mother had hidden. Whenever his mother discovered a book he was reading, she would order him to tear it and burn the pages. Then she would explain that it was for their safety with tears in her eyes. The author says that their hearts were turned into ashes. This can be taken to imply desperation and safe pity. All they could do was stick to the instructions from the government or risk their lives. In his last stanza, when the last of the books was burnt, he sat in the chicken coop. It was here that all the stories became alive in him as tears flowed freely. He then started telling stories to friends, siblings, and neighbors. These were stories he had read from the forbidden books and some that he had made up. From this experience, the author concludes that even if books are banned and burnt, hope and stories are still alive. The experience from this story emphasizes the importance of stories to people, even to children. Books carry stories that

Critical dialogs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical dialogs - Essay Example However, one has to have impressions to a substance despite not knowing it (Bronner 17). Therefore, democracy is viewed as a complete system and tries to accomplish incompleteness. Fitche together with Kant, made a donation to critical theory by reinforcing the ideas of the theory. They and termed it as a dual relationship between nature and persons in terms of ideas. In addition, he stressed on key thoughts such as that of alienation improvement and importance of freedom. Alienation of improvement (disagreement between mind and nature) this is always occurred when there is the disparity of purposeful effort of concern with involvement of freedom. (Bronner 18). On the other hand, language is also key factor when studying emotional realm; the relationship between history of individual subject and the determination of the subject, in addition, record is made perfect though language; language expresses one event better and it is also a mechanism which conveys accuracy of the subject. (Bronner 101). Therefore, better understanding of communication will allow one to discuss a topic well whether in politic of proper context; this implies that it will provide a participant the proper value it stands in it place. Hence reducing chances of misinterpretation of the subject or object; this implies that an individual will improve his or her ability understand issues of life. Therefore, clear understanding about key theory nurtures one’s conceptual abilities; it outlines qualitative and quantitative interpretation of a research analysis. Thurs, one can easily show that critical theory is more of encouraging to an issue than destructive; brings a function of positivity than indifference in essence that it brings certainty in when judging (Bronner 102). Decision making is made easier since an outline for judgment is provided; an individual can easily for the procedures set for wise decision

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss how the treaties might relate to custom, as well as the Assignment

Discuss how the treaties might relate to custom, as well as the alleged existence of hierarchy among the sources of internationa - Assignment Example International law consists of the rules and principles of general application dealing with the conduct of States and of international organizations in their international relations with one another and with private individuals, minority groups and transnational companies. Since there is no international legislation or parliamentary body that had the mandate of coming up with international law, the generally accepted source of the rule of law has been customary international law. It arises from the concept that these laws arise from what is considered as common practice when countries are dealing with each other. Consequently international law can only be established if there is consent by states and is enforced by means of individual or collective action of individual or collective action of other states. ... Practice alone is not adequate as was the case in the ruling of Case of the SS Lotus (1927).Secondly in has to be ‘opinio juris’ that is a belief in it being a legal obligation in the states. As the International Court of Justice put it â€Å"Not only must the acts concerned be a settled practice but they must also be such, or be carried out in such a way as to be evidence of a belief that this practice is rendered obligatory by the existence of a rule requiring it... The states concerned must feel that they are conforming to what amounts to a legal obligation2. Let’s take for example the duty for countries to give protection to ambassadors from other countries while they are on diplomatic missions within that country. This is an ancient custom which has been accepted as normal practice and a legal obligation expected of the host country. In case an ambassador is attacked in a country it would be considered as a violation of a customary international law. 3New st ates are automatically bound by the existing customary international laws. For a state to not to be bound by a rule of international customary law it must object to it during formation or become a persistent objector to it. Failure to register such an objection may lead to the state being assumed to have accepted the customary rule of law. International Convections International treaties are contracts signed between states that are legally binding to all states that are party to the treaty. The reason for which states that sign a treaty are bond to it is because there is a rule of customary international law – pacta sunt servanda- which requires all states to honour and adhere to the treaties they have signed. A state

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Essay Example Infomedia also considers itself as an interest publishing organization. Their strategic alliance’s formation occurred in April, 2008. The two companies sought to provide the Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with quality solutions directed towards the advancement of both domestic and global trade (Das 34). Introduction Managers in most organizations are adopting strategic alliance as a way of realizing their strategies instead of retaining the old strategic make and sell strategy initially used. By definition, a strategic alliance is a relationship formed because of the availability of mutual interests between groups of interdependent organizations. These relationships last for as long as they prove to be economically viable (Das 67). In the case of Alibaba and Infomedia, both companies realized the potential benefits of supplying the SMEs with quality solutions, which pave the way for further advancement in both the domestic and global trade sectors (Yoshino and Rangan 76). .. . Alibaba, a company, which has an established presence in e-commerce, stood to benefit from the alliance by realizing some of its expansion strategies. Alibaba’s choice to form an alliance with Infomedia, a respectable Indian based company guaranteed Alibaba a successful entry into the Indian market. On the other hand, Infomedia stood to benefit from the access into the global mainframe, a niche successfully occupied by Alibaba. Targeting the small and medium enterprises proved to be a successful strategy. This is because both Indian and Chinese business sectors comprise these businesses in large numbers. Therefore, both management teams were able to come up with strategic goals that would ensure an efficient and effective way of dealing with their competitive surroundings. The different areas analyzed in order to determine whether both companies fit included strategic, cultural, resource, and structural aspects. The realization that these companies proved to be compatible on a strategic, cultural, resources and structural level showed that two were a match and that they formed a perfect fit (Das 116). b) Type of strategic alliance Determining the strategic alliance suitable for both the organizations also proved to be an integral part for both organizations. Companies choose between horizontal and vertical types of strategic alliance. The horizontal type allows competing businesses to form an alliance that will allow each partner to gain access to various segments in the industry. Horizontal strategic alliances allow partners to learn from each other, reduce the risks, and improve efficiency. On the other hand, vertical strategic alliances involve the partnering of one or more suppliers or customers. They create extra value for the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Statistical Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistical Problem - Essay Example However since it is an online poll, it is difficult to know about the demographical state of those who participated in the poll exactly. Moreover since the poll was conducted during the week end itself it would be rather obvious that all people who were on vacation or at a military cemetery would not be in front of their PC in order to participate in the poll. Hence such a poll would seem very unsuitable, unless if it were carried before the weekend. Simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same chance of selection. c. Based on the above, if we consider the stratified sample of 25 high schools, the number of schools which would be selected with a percent free lunch value between 30 and 40 would be 8% of 25 which equals to 0.08 X 25 =

Philosophy and theory of architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Philosophy and theory of architecture - Essay Example Common features however, are considerations such as aesthetics, proportion, and surroundings. Present changes revolve mainly around the need to cope with environmental concerns but the despising of modernism runs deeper. It is generally seen as lacking in character. Prince Charles champions the call for returning to more traditional styles of architecture. A case study of Regent’s Park Mosque in London showed the building is a blend of both Islamic and modernist architectural elements. It reflects the thinking at the time of its construction. Nonetheless, it is evident of the diversity of ideas and practices present today. Architecture, its underlying philosophies and a look at Regent’s Park Mosque This paper examines some theoretical underpinnings of architecture from a philosophical perspective. It shows how theories of design presuppose specific concepts and theories. A brief overview is made of some historical and contemporary architecture and a discussion follows o f present day changes in thinking on architecture. Attention is given to the views of Prince Charles on architecture as they represent those that are dissatisfied with modernism and who hearken back to earlier architectural thinking. The global environmental changes are also contributing to the changed approach. A case study is then made of a particular building in the UK in order to illustrate such ideas, namely the Regent’s Park Mosque in central London. Architecture is intricately related with philosophy. Architecture is after all an imposed organisation of a social space, and that space has to be designed with considerable thought. A certain intended expression is exuded, which holds associations and meanings for the people who see and use the building. Many important religious buildings for example, are designed to be imposing or soothing and evoke an appreciation and respect for the almighty being. They are designed to be experienced at a deeper level so they have stron g philosophical foundations. These and other planned buildings are typically large or otherwise of some importance. They affect the lives of people in some significant way or other. Beauty is one of the important features of the outcome of architectural planning and what we come to expect from a specially designed building. According to de Botton (2008), ideas of a meaningful life are what we consider to be beautiful in architecture. People love beautiful buildings because they represent the kind of ideas about the world we live in and ourselves that they can relate with. The theme of his book deals with the search to find the kind of dwellings in which people could stand the greatest chance of happiness. In doing so, he traces the development of various styles of architecture that have attempted to satisfy human needs and desires. However, the explanation for what makes for happiness is more psychological than philosophical. People do not only associate beauty in buildings with the ir feelings but also their thoughts, and their conception of what is ideal. Kantian philosophers link aesthetics with using logic for aesthetic judgment. They â€Å"suppose that free beauty is simply beauty, but the beauty of works in particular arts is judged beautiful in the light of some antecedent notion of artistic perfection† (Mitias, 1994: 3). That is to say, a specially planned building as opposed to an ordinary building is usually judged based on some understanding of its nature

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Statistical Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statistical Problem - Essay Example However since it is an online poll, it is difficult to know about the demographical state of those who participated in the poll exactly. Moreover since the poll was conducted during the week end itself it would be rather obvious that all people who were on vacation or at a military cemetery would not be in front of their PC in order to participate in the poll. Hence such a poll would seem very unsuitable, unless if it were carried before the weekend. Simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same chance of selection. c. Based on the above, if we consider the stratified sample of 25 high schools, the number of schools which would be selected with a percent free lunch value between 30 and 40 would be 8% of 25 which equals to 0.08 X 25 =

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Critical Responses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Responses - Essay Example On the other hand, multiple platforms are very beneficial since they are able to break down the original concepts into items that are understood by diverse groups of people. Whenever a new entertainment platform is used, it is only sensible and appropriate to apply additional creativity so that the need for entertainment is satisfied through that other platform. Very few platforms have the capacity of retaining the original content; a change of the content out rightly results in loss of the original concepts that were highlighted by the original author (Koku, 1995). There are many examples that can be used to strengthen this position. Many people use novels as a source of entertainment by reading interesting stories that were developed by the author. The story will apply very interesting scenarios that appeals to the reader and creates a lot of reading suspense. The translation of the novel to a film brings forth other views that never featured in the novel in order to enhance the visual appeal. This means that I the process, there occurs lose in some of the original concepts while some new ones are added therein. As it is well put by Jenkins (2003), as content gets across the entertainment platforms, it is followed by enhancements through creativeness. This is termed as a distraction or corruption from the original concepts that were intended by the original author. When a concept is concept is drawn from a movie to a videogame, there are outright differences that are expected. In the first place, a videogame will be required to depict some fl exibility so that the player is able to enjoy make their own manoeuvres. However, despite the differences in some of the content there are similar concept that are applied across the board. For example, in a real football match compared to a video football game like FIFA, the rules of football follow to the letter. The difference is that the players are

Monday, October 14, 2019

Recitation Worksheet Encyclopædia Britannica Essay Example for Free

Recitation Worksheet Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Essay APA Reference and Citation Worksheet Write a sentence to illustrate each of the following. Refer to the appropriate Center for Writing Excellence resources. Sentence 1: Include a quotation from a source in your annotated bibliography. Example: As noted by Goldberg (2000), Gilligan’s work was groundbreaking. â€Å"Without question, In a Different Voice was revolutionary and struck a powerful chord in both men and women† (p. 702). 1. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica online (2003) â€Å"This is a good overview article from a well-known, non-specialized encyclopedia that focuses on the various definitions of adult education. Sent1ence 2: Paraphrase information from a source in your annotated bibliography. Example: In a Different Voice was groundbreaking because it revealed the narrow thinking of previous moral decision-making research based only on male subjects (Goldberg, 2000). 2. A recent study confirms past theories of adults returning to school for external reasons such as careers and life events. Sentence 3: Summarize information from a source in your annotated bibliography. Example: In a Different Voice laid the foundation for Gilligan’s future work. Over the next decade, she and her colleagues focused on the developmental experiences of girls and introduced that experience into the literature of adolescent psychology (Goldberg, 2000). 3. From the Journal of Continuing Higher Education you learn that students are coming back to school primarily for reasons other than the desire to further their education. In this context they are continuing their education mainly because they have a major life change or they need or want to move up in their career placement. References Example: Goldberg, M. F. (2000). Restoring lost voices: An interview with Carol Gilligan. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(9), 701-704. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database. Reference: Donaldson, J.F., Graham, S.W., Martindill, W., Bradley, S. (2000, Spring). Adult Undergraduate students: Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 48(2) 2-11. Retrieved from www.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gay Marriage is An Attack on Christianity Essay -- Persuasive Essay

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion: "The court now holds that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry. No longer may this liberty be denied to them." Many conservatives are completely against gay marriage and they have stated that they will fight to have the Supreme Court ruling overturned. "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or another," President Bush said (Hinojosa). From 2003 until present, gay marriage has been a hot issue. Debates rage on the sanctity of marriage and constitutional equal rights. Though many states have already decided on this issue it has yet to be resolved federally. Is it right to deny rights because of gender? The answer is no. Is it more importantly right to deny them because of moral issues? YES! From a Religious stand point this issue is not even debatable, any god-fearing man or woman would not have to think twice about prohibiting gays to join in union. Patrick Henry once said ?It cannot be emphasized to strongly or to often that this great nation was founded not by religionist, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ? (Jennings). To stray from our ideals as a nation and allow such blasphemy to occur on our great nation?s soil would turn our for-fathers in their graves. Where do...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay - Benefits of the Death Penalty :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Benefits of the Death Penalty Have you ever thought about if the person next to you is a killer or a rapist? If he is, what would you want from the government if he had killed someone you know? He should receive the death penalty! Murderers and rapists should be punished for the crimes they have committed and should pay the price for their wrongdoing. Having the death penalty in our society is humane; it helps the overcrowding problem and gives relief to the families of the victims, who had to go through an event such as murder. First, people should know the history of the death penalty. The death penalty has a long history dating back to the 16th Century BC. "In 16th Century BC Egypt, a death sentence was ordered for members of nobility, who were accused of magic. They were ordered to take their own life. The non-nobility was usually killed with an ax"(Burns). During the 18th Century BC, King Hammurabi of Babylon had a code that arranged the death penalty for 25 different crimes although murder was not one of them (Burns). The death penalty has been around since the time of Jesus Christ. Executions have been recorded from the 1600s to present times. From about 1620, the executions by year increased in the US. It has been a steady increase up until the 1930s; later the death penalty dropped to zero in the 1970s and then again rose steadily. US citizens said that the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was believed that it was "cruel and unusual" punishment (Amnesty International). In the 1970s, the executions by year dropped between zero and one then started to rise again in the 1980s. In the year 2000, there were nearly one hundred executions in the US (News Batch). On June 29, 1972, the death penalty was suspended because the existing laws were no longer convincing. However, four years after this occurred, several cases came about in Georgia, Florida, and Texas where lawyers wanted the death penalty. This set new laws in these states and later the Supreme Court decided that the death penalty was constitutional under the Eighth Amendment (Amnesty International). The very first legal executions came in the United States was during the Revolutionary War against Great Britain. British soldiers hung the first person to die by the death penalty, Nathan Hale, for espionage (Farrell).

Friday, October 11, 2019


Pets in general are lovable. Of course, who doesn’t love a dog? Or a cat? A fish, maybe? But in my case, it’s different. Not because I dislike innocent animals but because I have this extreme within me since childhood. You may not believe it but what I do the love are one of the most â€Å"unloved† and feared living creatures in this world —snakes and reptiles. I don’t know what it is about these cold-blooded creatures that attracted me most but for as long as I can remember, I have always been passionate about them. Lizards arouse my curiosity while snakes give me a sense of mystery and excitement. Even as a grown up now, I can still vividly recall my first encounter with a rattlesnake which was one of the scariest experiences I ever had. It was one bright, sunny morning and we were playing in the woods. The summer heat was conducive for outdoor activities and our â€Å"gang† has gathered once again to welcome the long school break. Careless and jolly, I was only 10 then and I was chasing my ball after it was tossed away in a very secluded area. I could not even remember what game was that but I was running after the ball and as soon as I entered the isolated zone, I felt shivers in my nape which gave me the creeps. I had cold sweats just as the earth was cold and moist and there were dried, wrinkled leaves scattered all over. I moved quite slowly not knowing what’s in store in there. I looked everywhere for my ball using my telescopic vision. I was quite good in finding things and stuff. As soon as I found the ball behind a moss-filled rock, I heard this eerie hissing sound. Sensing that it might be a snake, I was agitated that I wondered where it could be hiding. I said to myself, â€Å"This is a chance of a lifetime!† I was thinking twice at first anticipating the danger it could do to me. Anti-venoms were difficult to find during those days. Nevertheless, I hesitated. Out of curiosity, I kicked the rock hard and there it was†¦a fat, healthy rattlesnake! I suppose it was taking a nap before I got there. But at that moment its eyes looked straight at mine, I knew that there was impending harm to come. My mind was flying somewhere. All I felt was fear and thrill. The rattlesnake I found was brown, about four feet long with a triangular head. The minute I saw it, I was shaking hard and I froze all over. Knowing that rattlesnakes only attacked humans when disturbed, I was reluctant to go near it. But thinking it was my only opportunity to explore and take a good look at a real one, I picked up a stick and went closer to it moving one step at a time. As soon as I was closest to it, it gave a sort of evil look at me as if it was about to bite me whole. Then I gathered all my nerves and began to strum its thick scales then lifted it up slowly. It irked! I felt great and brave. Right that moment, I thought I’d die a terrible death from a venomous snake. Then I struggled to gaze at it for a few minutes. What a beautiful sight! And that’s how I remember it. I returned it back to its place then I started moving away slowly to avoid provoking its untamed nature. When I returned to my â€Å"gang,† I proudly shared to them the wonderful yet terrifying experience with the first snake I have ever encountered. I never told my mom what I did because I knew she’d kill me for doing such a â€Å"stupid† thing as she might have called it. I never had any other close encounters with snakes after that. I actually never petted them long. I gave up my Gopher snakes soon enough after I kept them a few years ago. But being a unique pet lover, it is quite rewarding on my part especially when I hear people praise me for it. Even if only see snakes usually in cages or in the zoos now, I can always remember that one fateful day I met that rattlesnake in the wild. I will always remember how beautiful it was. My experiences with lizards were not as intense as that I’ve had with snakes probably because they are harmless and naà ¯ve. But my daily encounters with lizards were as memorable to me as that of snakes. Actually, it was quite a traumatic beginning for me. I was standing in our front porch one day when I saw this kid (I think he was younger than me at that time) playing with a lizard. It was about 4 inches long and brown in color so I assumed it was a fence lizard. It had a bluish belly though. At first, the kid was feeding it with small insects I could not identify then before I knew it, he was flipping the poor lizard up and down. I was about to approach him when the next thing I saw was he stepped on it and the lizard was squeezed like an orange fruit. There it was lying flat on the street not breathing anymore. It was a terrible event which I cannot erase from my long-term memory until now. From then on, I came to love lizards more and I collected not only fence lizards but alligator and whiptail lizards as well. When I stopped keeping snakes, my lizards remained. At present, I still have my lizards which I long to protect and care for in my own simple ways. To my mind, at least I am making a difference in the lives of these astonishing small creatures which are often neglected and unappreciated by people. It is so sad to note that in some countries which do not have strict animal rights, snakes and reptiles are ruthlessly killed even with just the sight of them, even if they did nothing to harm humans. We should realize that such acts are merely their naturally-occurring defense mechanisms. Some races made them into exotic dishes and sold at high prices. Even in zoos and animal sanctuaries, snakes and reptiles are given negative connotations which affect the impressions of people in general regarding these creatures. The media play a great role in influencing people’s opinions and generalizations about snakes and reptiles. Since time immemorial, I have never seen a film, TV show or any advertisements for that matter depicting snakes in a positive manner. Movies like â€Å"Anaconda,† â€Å"Anacondas,†   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Spasm,† â€Å"Venom,† â€Å"Snakes on the Plane,† â€Å"Rattled,† and many more all gave snakes bad images. Oftentimes, snakes are shown to represent evil and have been considered demonic symbols. How can people’s attitude towards snakes and reptiles be changed if what is being shown by entertainment is purely the dark side of these creations? It certainly takes time to alter people’s perceptions on snakes and reptiles. One of the most effective medium to begin with is education. We should be reminded that snakes and reptiles are also part of our wildlife, thus, they should be conserved and protected like any other endangered species. Children should be taught to love all animals through promoting media exposure and including conservation of wildlife in the school curriculum to instill in their minds the need to appreciate even the most dangerous creatures. This is not an easy task pursue since most learning of children are facilitated at home and most parents and guardians teach children to fear snakes and reptiles. This is the reason why massive media campaign should be done to alter our views about snakes and reptiles even at a slow pace. What is of the essence is that there should be efforts and attempts to correct the wrong impressions people have of these despised animals. While it may be true that snakes and reptiles are feared and â€Å"unloved† by most people, for me, they are wonderful creatures. Therefore, it is not true that they are feared and ‘unloved† because there are still people like me who can love them unconditionally. And I choose to remain as such as long as I have the capacity to do so.                                                      

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Leadership Principles Essay

Abstract This paper explores the definition of leadership, and how applying the principles of leadership can yield more success for teams in the workplace. It also serves to further explore personality self-evaluation and how personality traits help to define an individual’s leadership likely traits and strengths. Reference will be made to personality assessments such as the â€Å"Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator† (MBTI) and the â€Å"Big-Five Approach to Personality Assessment†, and what those assessments imply about an individual. While individuals tend to demonstrate particular trends and traits in relation to the personality assessments, the results are not absolute, and in no way offer definitive information about an individual’s specific characteristics (Scholl 2002). Detailed exploration of particular aspects and principles will yield a more refined working knowledge of leadership and practical applications in the workplace, specifically self-awareness and perso nal recognition of individual characteristics and learning styles. A summary with findings and conclusions will conclude the paper. Leadership Leadership is the ability to get a group to achieve greater accomplishments and achievements than the sum of individuals’ actions. Leadership means taking advantage of opportunities and finding ways to improve upon a situation, whether or not someone else gave you the empowerment to accomplish those goals (Blanchard, Fowler, and Hawkins, 2005, p. 15). Leaders have the innate ability to observe a scenario, realize what needs to happen to realize results, seize the moment and guide others to work together to accomplish a common goal. Ultimately, â€Å"a leader is anyone who can give you the support and direction you need to achieve your goal.† (Blanchard et al, 2005, 133). Self-Evaluation Every person is an individual, and as individuals they naturally have unique personality traits that affect how they interact and interact with others in the world. Personal assessment is a valuable tool that allows an individual to realize their own unique traits and tendencies, allowing them to be aware of precognitive tendencies that they might demonstrate in given situations. For me personally, I was assessed using the MBTI method to be an introvert, who tends to be slightly sensing, somewhat thinking, and strongly judging ( At first, I took some offence to being categorized in this method, but after researching the general description of my personality, as well as specific definitions of the preference categories, I came to realize that this information would ultimately empower me to become a stronger and more capable leader in the future. A summary of careers suggest that I could become a strong manager that would enjoy a workplace where I could use m y knowledge and organizational skills. I am likely to enjoy occupations that involve working with, communicating with, and teaching people. ( I am able to ascertain that my personality traits suggest I am a person who is capable of teaching others my knowledge and other applicable skills. I am a leader who possesses both information power as well as expert power (Yukl, 2011, p. 193) Another assessment that helped me to understand about my character was the Big-Five Approach to Personality Assessment (Scholl, 2002). The Big-Five assessment provided five factors, along with several more specific traits and facets that help individuals understand and recognize concerning their personality. The five factors, or domains, are neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. My low scoring on the neuroticism portion suggests that I am a confident, optimistic individual who is even tempered and relaxed; able to face stressful situations without becoming upset (Scholl, 2002). I had a low extraversion score, suggesting that I am reserved and interpersonally formal; an independent thinker rather than a follower (Scholl, 2002). In the domain of openness, my score was almost dead center, suggesting that I do not have strong tendencies one way or the other (Scholl, 2002). I believe that this suggests that my reaction depends on the situation and the environment surrounding it. I can be curious and imaginative about certain situations, but cautious and conservative for others. Personal morals and ethics strongly influence my openness, whereas I am open to new ideas and thinking about scenarios, as long as they do not violate my personal ethical standards. For agreeableness, my slightly higher than center score suggests that I am for the most part a generous, trusting person who is sympathetic to others. At the same time, I can be suspicious and impatient with those who have disappointed me in the past. This is one aspect that I need to be aware of my past, and how it influences my present and future. I once had an assistant who I trusted complicity attempt to stage a mutiny to attempt to remove me from my position. Thankfully, my employees had enough ethical standards to make me aware of the decision, so that I could deal with the situation through the proper channels. However, as a result of that situation I have found it much more difficult to trust subordinates, and I tend to be suspicious of actions that could be viewed as disloyal and insubordinate to me as a manager and leader. For the final domain, conscientiousness, my score was again dead center, but the results for this particular section made me think more deeply about myself. I had always thought that I demonstrated the traits associated with someone who scores high for conscientiousness, but I must accept the fact that I may have tendencies that are normally for those scoring low. For me to be successful, I must constantly be aware of these traits, and be able to recognize and adjust my actions when I act in a way that is not conscientious. The guidelines representing how to promote emotional intelligence in the workplace ( suggested twenty-two steps to assess the situation, instigate change, then transfer power and evaluate how everything worked. The company I formerly worked for must have been influenced by these guidelines, as I had been introduced to the process years ago, and was a continual body of work for me as a retail manager. For every employee that was hired, whether full or part time, I had to assess them as an employee, and implement a training program that would yield the best results for the company. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and I enjoyed showing how every employee had an impact on our store, and their effort and personal pride could have far reaching impact on our daily success, both for sales and customer satisfaction. The process of encouraging transfer and maintenance of  change was mainly designated for the management team, but that was an essential process for our team. I simply could not do it alone: I needed every member of the management to perform to their potential, so that we could function as a team, and each member of management would learn and better their skills for the next advancement opportunity that might come along. It was through this process that I was able to train and advance several members of management, many of whom are now store managers with their own stores to run. Leadership Style My personal leadership style is supportive leadership. I will always try to empower others around me to be aware of their potential, and support them when they need assistance. As Yukl suggests, I use my interpersonal skills to be supportive and compassionate with others as they try to get their work done (Yukl, 2011, p. 64). I attempt to learn more about an individual’s personality, so that I can find a way to best assist them in their own growth and leadership potential. That requires a being a coach who is sometimes there to boost their confidence, and at other times kick them in the rear when they are not putting forth their best effort. At the same time, I realize that it is not possible to provide the motivation for everyone. Every individual has different motivations, and ultimately must take responsibility for creating their own work environment (Blanchard et al, 2005, p.29). I am aware that to be a successful leader, I need to be able to not only empower others, but to show them how to be leaders unto themselves. Every individual needs to be aware of their own strengths and powers before they can lead themselves (Blanchard et al, 2005, p.62), and I plan help others find their way to lead themselves, and ultimately lead others to success. References Blanchard, K., Fowler, S., & Hawkins, L. (2005). Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness Through Situational Self Leadership. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishing, Inc. Buckingham, Marcus (2005). The One Thing You Need to Know†¦About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success. New York, NY: Free Press. Lencioni, Patrick (2002). The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Scholl, Richard (2002). Dispositions: The Big 5 Personality Assessment. Retrieved from University of Rhode Island, Labor Research Center Web site: Yukl, Gary (2011). Leadership In Organizations, Eighth Edition. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Analysis of Scenes of Atonement Film

Atonement- Analysis of Scenes The scene starts with a long shot of the three characters walking on a path in the reeds towards the camera. The reason a long shot is used is to establish the setting of the characters. It cuts in to a close up of Robbie to show his emotion as he realises they have made it to the sea. It cuts to an medium high angle aerial long shot as the characters are running through the reeds to show the true desperation of the men. While they are running the music playing is low like being played on an organ and picks up pass to build up the tension of the scene.It tracks their movement as they run and cuts into a close u p of Robbie’s shoe then zooms out and moves up at the same time up over Robbie’s head to an extreme long shot of the beach of Dunkirk. The reason an extreme long shot was used was in order for the viewers to really be able to see the whole of the beach, to capture the essence of the War by all the devastation of the beach by seeing i t all. A reverse shot reverse is used between the men and the beach, firstly it is a close up of Robbie’s face to be able to portray the emotion of disappointment in Robbie’s face.The camera then cuts to its continues tracking shot using a handheld steadicam for the duration of 5 minutes. It starts with the camera tracking a medium shot at eye level of the men talking as they walk towards the camera. the captain is tall and walks with precision to show his authority. The camera continues to track the men in a long shot as they walk along the beach, certain objects obscure the view of the men walking as the camera tracks behind things like burning cars which is included in the mise-en-scene as it shows the viewers the true devastation of the scene.Robbie is walking with purpose and determination and the camera follows Robbie to shows his purpose. There is no music just the rattling of the on goings of the soldiers and the soldiers shouting, the sounds of horses are hear d and gun shots. As the horses are being shot in a long shot view with Robbie walking away from them music starts playing to heighten the emotion of the scene. The camera tracks Robbie as he moves through the scene, the camera follows some flying papers in the air into a low angle shot of the broken sails of a ship with a man on top shouting ‘Laddie, I’m coming home! which shows contrast of his hope despite his hopeless situation, it also gives a sense of madness. The camera tracks down into a close up of Robbie to show his emotion through his facial expression. The beach is filled with broken debris and men going about all sorts of things, one man is seen doing exercises on a beam and contrasts with other men getting in a fight or stumbling around drunk. A Ferris wheel is seen in the background surrounded by smoke and devastation, it looks as if it’s almost a dead carnival and the Ferris wheel is a to show the true nature of the devastation of the war.Children a re seen sitting down next to some toys, they are placed sitting down to convey the defeat and hopelessness in their situation. The music begins to swell and men are heard singing as the camera tracks them and moves into a close up as it goes round seeing their faces as they sing, gives a feeling of hope within them. The camera tracks back into a close up of Robbie showing defeated, uncomfortable expression on his face which contrasts as the camera tracks around a group of men shouting and jeering as they are going on a merry-go-round.The camera tracks back as Robbie and the two men walk towards the camera in a medium shot as they walk through the beach, showing all the doings of different men on the beach. The camera tracks the men walking up some stairs as the music heightens, the camera turns to show the beach as it tracks behind men. It shows the devastation the beach has suffered due the terrible war, it tracks behind the men to include them into the shot as they are a part of t he war.The camera tracks along exposing the beach and music is at a very low tempo to compliment the feeling of the shot as well as the men singing are heard as well as the â€Å"Laddie, I’m coming home! † BRIONY IN THE HOSPITAL The scene starts with a long shot of a corridor lighted down the middle, the type writing sound is heard. The music picks up as a group of nurses in a long shot walk down the corridor towards the camera. The music and typewriter is the same as the scene Briony had as a little girl and so the music in combination with the rhythmic typewriting has become her signature soundtrack.The camera pans in a close up shot of the nurses shoes as they walk passed, the shot of their shoes shows the determination of them as they walk. The camera tracks the nurses as they walk into a room with the patients beds, it goes into a close up of the head nurse as she addresses the other girls, the close up shows the seriousness in her expression as she talks. A shot reverse shot is used as the head nurse addresses them. The other nurses are dismissed walking away in two lines showing precision eaving Briony standing alone in the middle of the shot and the music heightens as the camera zooms into a medium shot of her showing a worried, lonely expression on her face. the hospital seems to suit her character as everything is in order and is just so, everything is white, perfect and orderly which goes well with her character. The camera cuts to a shot reverse shot of Briony and the head nurse as she addresses Briony, Briony is positioned in a very upright position to show her character.The camera cuts to a close up shot of Briony in the window to portray her unhappy emotion, the camera zooms out into a long shot of Briony walking down a corridor, the shot has low key lighting as it gives an almost eerie feeling. A radio is heard in the background recounting the developments of the war as well as her signature sound of a typewriter is heard as she w alks, she walks very rigid but not with the same determination as in the previous scene with her as a girl as if ‘there is no Briony anymore. ’ The camera pans a shot of the nurses room, all doing girly things as they get ready for bed.Lights are switched off and the sound of the typewriting is heard once again and the camera cuts to a medium shot of Briony sitting down writing in the dark, one of her fellow nurses walks in and Briony jumps up guiltily as if she’s doing something wrong when she gets a fright from the noise. A medium shot reverse shot is used as a conversation between the two are going on. Briony’s hand slaps down on the page to show she’s anxious about anybody seeing her work. A high angle close up shot of her hand on the page is shown and once her hand is removed the viewers see the title of what she’s writing â€Å"Two Figures by a Fountain. A slow swelling of music is heard as they speak about the book and a close up of t he two faces is shown to portray the friends eagerness to know about the story and Briony’s worried expression on her face. Briony confesses what it’s about in a close up shot to show her pain as she thinks about what she has done, it shows her growth as a character as she is finally acknowledging and understanding what she has done. There is a half shadow on her face which is a technique the director has used to portray secrets as she is only telling a half truth.There is a long shot used to show the two girls laughing and this is the first time Briony is seen laughing as she is feeling exhilarated. Music picks up as the camera cuts to a shot of Briony sitting at a desk writing a letter to Cecelia, as she is writing there is a voice over telling us what she has contained in her letter. The camera cuts to a series of shots of her cleaning as the voice over of the letter is being read, the cleaning is symbolic for cleansing oneself as she is trying to cleanse herself fo r to terrible thing she did.She is trying to atone for what she has done and that is seen through the shots. For example there is a close up shot of her vigorously scrubbing her hands which is symbolic for her desperation to cleanse herself within. The camera cuts to a medium shot of the two girls talking as they pack stuff away in the store room , the camera cuts to a close up shot of Briony to show her expression as she is reminiscing about her crush. A bell rings and the camera tracks the nurses as they run through the corridor, music starts to swell to add tension to the scene.The camera tracks the girls as they run through a group of soldiers outside, men are heard shouting and it adds to the sense of chaos. There is a medium shot of Briony carry a badly injured man inside, a medium shot is used to show the determination on her face. The camera cuts to different shots of nurses tending to injured men and what Briony is doing, the continues change of shot and the use of the hand held camera really adds and emphasizes the chaos of it all as well as the use of the handheld camera making it feel more real. It cuts to a shot of Briony having blood on her hands which is very symbolic.Men and those being carried are rushing passed her as she stands looking around, Robbie is seen in the middle and it quickly cuts to a close up of Briony to show her reaction to seeing him, music swells to add to the climax of her going towards Robbie but the music drops when it’s not him. Briony is seen inside again tending to injured men, there are close ups and medium shots of the terribly injured men to add to the devastation of the war. In the shots Briony is seen as very composed and determined in contrast to some others who are crying.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Contract - Essay Example All three cases are of Contract. The basic principle of contract law is "[t]he purpose of the law is to put the plaintiff in as good a position as he would have been in had the defendant kept his contract." 1 Principle of Incorporation: Within this principle, specifically the concept of mutual understanding is applicable which is â€Å"derived from the conduct of the parties that the conduct of hire was to be based on one of the party’s usual conditions’. 3 The first issue in the first scenario is whether or not the words â€Å"excellent reputation for being reliable† constitutes a misrepresentation, due to the fact that LLL were unreliable by arriving late and sending a limousine that was not clean and up to the mark. This was a common understanding developed that the service will be of good quality and presentable. The above statement could be seen as a mere puff (sales talk) which is not considered to be a statement of fact as courts would treat such as idle boasts with no contractual significance as in Dimmock v Hallet where the statement â€Å"Fertile and Improvable† was considered to have insufficient substance to be classed as a representation. Also the statement could be seen as an opinion as in Economides v Commercial Union Assurance Co Plc (1997) where estimate of content given to the insurance was considered to be a statement of opinion as he was not an expert thus not a misrepresentation. On the other hand, the above statement could be considered as opinion of a person in a better position to know the facts in which case it is misrepresentation as in Smith v Land & House Property Corporation where it was held that a statement of opinion from someone who knows the fact best is a statement of fact as the knowledge of fact justify the opinion. Furthermore, the statement was made by one party to the other i.e. LLL to AAA and if Lynda relied and acted on the statement to make her decision to give the contract to LLL, although the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Thirty to fifty of SCHOLARLY journal articles Business Problem in Essay

Thirty to fifty of SCHOLARLY journal articles Business Problem in Rosenbluth international - Essay Example As stated by Clemons and Hann (1999), companies which are successful find it difficult to change their policies in accordance to the changing business environment. This notion identifies and sheds light on the difficulty and complexity that is associated with the implementation of an effective change management strategy and reorganization of business operations. In the case of Rosenbluth International, this required alteration in company operations has been prompted by the prospects of disintermediation that the organization currently faces, which in turn have been triggered by the continuation of a significant period in the industry of travel brokerage that is essentially marked by a major restructuring of the entire industry (Clemons and Hann, 1999). According to Clemons and Hann (1999), the drastic changes that are being experienced by the travel industry can be associated with dynamics of the competitive environment. ... dustry by analysts highlights the alarming situation for travel agents as hotel chains and airlines intend to raise the scope of their revenue generation by launching electronic distribution systems. Furthermore, Carroll and Siguaw (2003) claim that the popularity of internet-based room reservation has allowed hotel owners to gain complete control over various methods of distribution which is threatening to the wellbeing of Rosenbluth International. Another challenge faced by Rosenbluth is not only rooted in external competitive pressures that are posed by other travel agents but is also caused by the commission cuts which have been introduced by hotels and rental companies thereby, prompting the organization to raise its charges by $10 to $15 (McCubbrey, 1999) to soothe the incurrence of unexpected expenditures. An examination of the case suggests that the challenges being faced by Rosenbluth are largely based on an increase in expenses and a decrease in the revenues being generated by the firm due to the introduction of electronic distribution systems by major travel-based businesses and a reduction in commission caps that are being earned by competing organizations. However, once the case is viewed from a varying perspective it can be comprehended that the issues which Rosenbluth is currently experiencing are also a consequence of the widespread availability of substitute services such as bargain prices and the incorporation of effective and pioneering business models such as reverse auction and auction. Discussion Given the present scenario and the challenges posed by the competitive environment in which Rosenbluth International operates, it would seem most appropriate to install an online reservation system to equip the organization with the technological tools

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Urban Thought of Jane Jacobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Urban Thought of Jane Jacobs - Essay Example These books presented an in dept look into the perspective urban economics, growth of open ended methods and the basic essentiality of dynamism in the thought process. In 1992 she published another book named Systems of Survival that looked into the aspects of political philosophy and the interpretation of political philosophies but here also the theme remained attached to the functionality of urbanization and development related to urbanization and its ultimate consequences. The method of Jane Jacobs is quite different from her contemporaries who indulge into the aspects of thought process related to the facet of urban planning. Her basic mode of operation is a combination of different subjects like sociology, journalism and literature here the ultimate result is a well written book the looks at the parameters of a city from the perspective of the street-corners or sidewalks. He is not a person whose perspective or notion about a city develops from the cushion and air conditioned chambered point of view but she is more of a down to earth person when it comes to determining the nature of a city with its vibe and day to day affairs. Jane Jacobs believes that the basic health of a city depends on several variables. According to belief a healthy city must be serendipitous, spontaneous, messy and organic in nature. But at the same time she indicates that the cities to be really healthy they must formulate a planning where there would be use of mixed lands and not just a compilation of concrete structures that have just office parks and business plazas. She believes that the city must have human diversity, a good economic infrastructure and should have an agricultural mode. There should not be only office structure that replace densely populated neighborhoods for city beautification or slum clearance but should be targeted towards redevelopment plan that focus on diversity and well being. In her words "it (cities) should be like itself. Every city has differences, from its history, from its site, and so on. These are important. One of the most dismal things is when you go to a city and it's like 12 others you've se en. That's not interesting, and it's not really truthful." (Steigerwald, 1) It should be remembered in this context that Jane Jacobs never had the luxury of professional training in city planning. In fact the only qualification she had was her diploma from high school. This is an extraordinary feat considering the fact that her radical ideas as published in The Death and Life of Great American Cities reveals the freshness of a mind that indulges deeply into the solution statements of deep rooted problems associated with city planning and improvement. Thus her ideas of the variables to make a city more livable became very popular among many segments of thinkers of the subject and few even started to consider her writing as fundamental as the Bible. However, it should be remembered that the popularity of Jacobs also depended on the activities that she was involved outside the parameters of writing books and her active participation with civic activism and New York protection wings made her yet more popular. It should also be noted that though she was born in S cranton, Pennsylvania she later moved to Toronto and lived there till her last breath. There is however an

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Prevention of Terrorism and Business Continuity Essay

Prevention of Terrorism and Business Continuity - Essay Example The events availed a remarkable case of a widening interdependence of both the private and public sectors in confronting the present-day security challenges. Since the 9/11, the fight against terrorism has been a top political priority for both the government and businesses alike. Governments have a responsibility to prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks, which hinges on coordinated and collaborative relationships between the intelligence, security, and law enforcement agencies. The key motivation has not only been because of the suffering of the victims, but also because terrorist attacks are a direct assault on elemental values of human rights, rules of law, and democracy (Frias, Samuel and White 2012, 483). Terrorism bears a direct impact on the enjoyment of several human rights such as rights to life, liberty, and physical integrity. Terrorist attacks significantly destabilize governments; they also compromise peace and security, as well as social and economic development. One of the prominent themes in the human rights debate encompasses enhanced recognition of the link between business and human rights. The application of the law in relation to the prevention of terrorism often proves to be complex, especially regarding recognition of human rights as outlined by instruments such as European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and UN Charter on human rights. Businesses can wield immense power and bear a direct impact on governmental policies and enjoyment of human rights. Businesses bear an obligation to contribute to the promotion and safeguarding of human rights (Ganor 2005, p.149). The preface of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines that all persons and every organ of the society shall endeavor to promote respect for human rights and basic freedoms (Zwitter 2011, p.20).